Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red bell pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Mushroom ...

- Cut the sea bag into small tern (2x2 cm) and cook with the lobster tails for 2-3 minutes. - Sea-bag and lobster are then taken up by the water. The water is stored to spice the sauce with. - Onion chopped and chopped with curry until the onions are rea

Mains Fresh pasta Virgin olive oil Cream ...

Mix flour, salt, pepper, basil and oregano together in a bowl and pan the chicken in this (I usually cut the chicken into strips). Stir the chicken in olive oil until it is light golden (NOT crawled). Place the chicken in an ovenproof dish and bring 15 minute

Mains Fresh vegetables, if desired Cooking oil Noodles of your choice ...

Boil the noodles until they are all dente. Pour the water and cool them to cool. Shake the vegetables on a pan or wok in plenty of oil until they are crispy together with coarsely chopped garlic, remove the vegetables from the forehead when they are crispy.

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

That's how you make Indian rice Season the meat with spices and sugar (2-3 teaspoons) Add the vegetables and let them sweat for a while add rice and then water Cook until the rice is finished Remember to stir in the dish while cooking otherwise burning t

Mains White wine from the steamed fish Pepper Salt ...

Sea urchin fillets and put in a refractory dish. The white wine is poured over the fish, seasoned with salt and pepper and added to sliced ​​green olives. When the fish is finished, the mushrooms are sautéed in the fat. The flour is sprinkled and you spout wit

Mains Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Mash the bread, brush in butter on all sides and fry approx. 15 min. It is taken from the forehead and rests covered while the sauce is cooked. Pepper fruit in strips is welded for a few minutes on the forehead and taken up. Finely chopped onions in butter,

Mains EVS. 1 teaspoon honey or sugar Pepper Salt ...

Whip the cream stiff. Taste it with mustard, horseradish, lemon juice, possibly. Honey, salt and pepper. Cut the bulbs and style the cream in the fridge. Detoxify the darkness of obstacles. Dip it dry with a kitchen roll. Bind six-eight long pieces of strin

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The oats are cut into smaller pieces. The peppers are cleaned and cut into thin strips. The porridge is cut into small rings. The butter is heated and the mushrooms rose golden and are then taken from the forehead. The vegetables are roasted and broth added, b