Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Soups Fresh basil leaves Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

The squash is cut into tern and onion and garlic chopped nicely. Heat a little olive oil in a large pot and sauté onion and garlic until they are golden. Add squash and continue until they start coloring. Pour broth into the pan and simmer for approx. 15 minut

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little fresh basil A little fresh mint ...

Run all the ingredients for the fry dishes in a food processor. Form the daddy for small meatballs. Step them golden, put on spikes and keep them warm. Chop all the ingredients into the salsa. Mix and stir olive oil. Season with spices and server for the sp

Mains EVS. dry sherry Freshly ground pepper A little Sage ...

Rip the fat on the meat, rub with spices and herbs and put it in a small pan. Brown steps at 225 degrees C. alm. Oven for 10 minutes. Pour broth on, dampen the heat to 180 degrees C. alm. Oven and rose for another 25 minutes. Take the meat out, pack it in f

Mains Freshly ground pepper Little olive for brushing Salt ...

Sauté chopped and garlic in olive oil, mix the vegetables and steam until they are thawed and all excess moisture is evaporated. Pour the vegetables into a bowl and season with spices. Whip milk, egg and crumbled cheese together. Turn the mixture with the v

Mains Freshly ground pepper Garlic, cut A little fresh herb sprigs URf.eks. thyme, Rosemary flat-leaf parsley ...

Sauter garlic, chili, chopsticks and pores stirring to onion and leeks are tender. Add salt and pepper. Vip the vegetables out of the forehead and wipe it off. Bring mussels and wine in the forehead with a little spice and steam the mussels for a little 4-5 mi

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Basil ...

Stir the onions in butter with stirring for a couple of minutes. Mix the rice and stir, so that all the rice corn grew well. Add boiling broth, a few dl. At a time, let the broth boil between each addition. Continue this way until the rice is tender and the br

Mains EVS. a little chilli pepper Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Fishbowl: Blend the fish with the other ingredients in a food processor. Share and shape the dad for 8 steaks. Place them on a plate of baking paper, grease them with oil and bag them at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. Turn and butter the fish pans and leave

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little lemon or lime juice Salt ...

Cut the fish into portion-sized pieces and scratch the skin side with a sharp knife. Sprinkle salt, pepper and a little lemon or lime juice and shake the fish on the skin side 5-6 minutes in a little olive oil. Lay the lid on the forehead and allow the fishpie