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Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Mains Rosemary Butter/oil for brushing Freshly ground pepper ...

The cleaned rabbit rubs well into the spice mixture and put in a well-baked oven dish with the back up. The rabbit is good with half-melted butter / oil. Stir at 180 ° C for 1 hour with a little water in the dish. The rabbit is brushed regularly, it must not d

Mains Peanuts Bay leaf 4 fresh tomatoes or ...

Cut the rabbits into suitable pieces. Stir the onions lightly golden in the oil and add a bay leaf. Add 4 savory, chopped tomatoes or a can of tomatoes. Place the raisins and let the ragout cook for about 45 minutes. Crush two cloves of garlic without first pe

Mains Freshly ground pepper Parsley Reven should of 1 lemon ...

Place the bacon slices in a bowl and cook 2 1/2 - 3 min. At highest effect. Stir around once. Take the bacon pieces up and lay them aside. Come on the onion and celery in the bowl. Cook under cover for 3 min. At highest effect. Mix the flour with salt and pepp

Mains Lemon Freshly ground pepper Chopped parsley or chives ...

The lime pieces are bent flat. Bean sprouts are placed across the meat, sprinkle with parsley / chives and a few drops of lemon. The meat is rolled together on the bean sprouts and closed with a meat pin. The rolls are spiced with salt and pepper. The rolls

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Aalborg (export) ...

Form 4 steaks and sprinkle them in light brown butter approx. 8 minutes on each side. Bring the pan off the heat, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Distribute the snaps and add a match. Take the steaks off the forehead. Add spices and broth, let it boil for a cou

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Mushrooms ...

Cut the turkey seed into 2 cm long strips. Clean and rinse the mushrooms. Melt half of the butter in a saucepan by high heat, but it does not burn. Put the kalkunkøit in here. Take the meat up. Add the rest of the butter and season all the mushrooms. Pic

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt For children the cognac ...

The bird is cleaned and the liver is laid aside. The bird is rubbed inside with a hard wiped damp cloth. An thyme, rosemary, olive oil and cognac are mixed and then rubbed inside the bird. The bird should stand about 8 hours, and draw with this. The bird is

Mains Freshly ground pepper Parsley sprigs Fresh chopped parsley ...

Can be served to: spegeskinke and potatoes or bread. Bring the cabbage into boiling water in a pan. Boil it with low heat and under low for approx. 5 min. Add whole milk and bring the mixture to boil. stowage: Stir butter and flour together into a butte