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Recipes with Chili

Mains Chili White wine Oil ...

Oil on the forehead with a chili pepper. Fool the oil is warm met the onions in the pan. FRY for 10 min. White wine added after 2-3 min. Tomatoes, salt and pepper are added. Boil for 15 minutes, after 5 min. didou tomatoes. The potatoes are run through a

Mains Chili Curry Oil ...

Wash chicken fillets. Blend garlic, onion and the dissolved bouillon, then warmed oil in a pan, the oil stands and squids. Pour plenty of curry in the oil until it is stopped to Fizz and bubble. Cut the chicken into pieces, FRY in my 8-10 in the forehead. Pour

Mains 3 clove pressed or grated garlic 4 dl red wine or 4 dl water Chili ...

Saute onions and garlic, add the tenderloin, the grated carrots and celery. When it is warmed through met beef in and depending on whether it is pretreated or not, heats it through a few minutes. Then met the spices in and the chopped tomatoes. Then red wine o

Mains Chili Marjoram Paprika ...

Onion and meat fried in a pan. Add the peeled tomatoes and spices and let Cook for 10 minutes.

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Grate the carrots and the potatoes coarsely. Cut the leek into thin slices. Seared beef with spices. Put it in a heat-proof serving dish, cut the onion in both, plug them into the forcemeat and spread the chopped tomatoes over forcemeat, along with small dabs

Sides Chili Paprika Pepper ...

Came the sour cream in a bowl, mix all the ingredients together and then let the dip drag in 30 min.

Pickling Atamon Thyme sprigs Peppercorn ...

Boil them until tender in abundant salted water for approximately 30 minutes. The water is poured off, and cold water poured over. (let them stand a little under running cold water-this causes the cells to get a shock, so rødbeden will be extra tender.) Rin

Sides Chili Hokkaido Olive oil ...

Cut into bars, turn over with olive oil, chilli, salt and pepper. Bake in 15-20 minutes. Served with myntedip (thin mayonnaise), with toasted sesame and possibly katosteblomster