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Recipes with Chili

Mains Chili Garlic Pepper ...

Brown meat and onions in a suitable pots, came the rest of the ingredients in and simmer for half an hour before the paste is put over. Velbekommen Tips: fresh pasta should not make more of a ca. 3-5 my

Soups Pepper Chili Brown sugar (or sugar and a bit of sauce suit) ...

Set the chicken over to boil and add a chicken-boullionterning to the water, you must use the water later, so there must be at least 2 ½ decilitre water. Let it stand and cook for 1 hour. While it is boiling, you can peel the ginger and carve it into thin slic

Mains Baby corn Bamboo shoots Bean sprout ...

The small rolls: meat fried lightly, the vegetables added, finally, soy sauce, salt and pepper. FRY only very easy. the tomatoes are seared, but not rolled in the cold and hollow-out them, so you only get the extreme with, are packed into the rulledej and FRY

Appetizers Chili Chopped onion Grated cheese such as Emmental or mozzarella ...

cut the aubergines into slices lengthwise Saute Eggplant slices and onion in oil for a few minutes tomateri both and add the cut along with garlic, oregango, chili Sauté a few minutes further Dim put a lid and let the right simmer further to auberginernerne ar

Lunch Chili White pepper Curry ...

Let the warm drip well and cut them into smaller pieces. Mix all the ingredients for the dressing. Taste the dressing with the marinade. Put in a bowl-pour the warm dressing over and mix everything gently with mushroom and grapes. Garnish before servi

Mains Chili Garlic Pepper ...

cut the chicken into pieces, and fry it to it becomes Golden, with taco seasoning. grate cheddarosten. chop the vegetables. advantage it all in a large heat-proof Bowl, and got it in the oven in my 25-30. Tips: It is the original, and most importantly; ext

Mains 3-5 drops tabasco sauce Carrot sticks m. dip Thyme oregano and basislikum (possibly other seasonings) at will ...

Put the chicken fillets in a baking dish. Pour about half the belt of colaen in a bowl and add ketchup, soy sauce, tabasco sauce and spices. Cut the onion and put half in the sauce. Slice the carrots into cubes and put half in the sauce. Pour the sauce over th

Sauces Chili Garlic Olive oil ...

Cut a + with a sharp knife in the top of the tomato before scalding the, so you can pick the in four moves. Tomatoes must be scalded in boiling water for a few minutes, the skin is removed (as when you pills boiled potatoes) and tomato flesh cut into large cu