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Recipes with Chili

Mains Chili Finely chopped Sun-dried tomato Honey ...

Preheat the grill. Mix the tomato paste, chopped tomato, garlic, chilli and honey in a small bowl. Jack alternately cherry tomatoes and sausage on small spid ca. 15 cm long. Brush the tomato mixture on spiddene. Grill them 1-2 minutes on each side.

Mains Cooked rice 5 dl. (400 grams) parboiled rice Pepper Salt ...

Hummeren split. The tail is lifted out of the shell and cut into smaller pieces. The clutches are shared in the joints, and the shell breaks easily. O chili garlic chopped fine. Kængurosteaksene cut into thin strips. 1 tbsp. Heat the oil in a wok or frying

Mains Chili Marinade Pepper ...

The marinade is made first by the ingredients mix. Arrow shells of Norway lobster tails and remove the black string. Turn the tails in the marinade and let them soak for half an hour. Serve tails in small baking tins with 5 of each and bake them at 190 degrees

Salads Balsamic vinegar Olive oil Mixed salad ...

Rinse the duck breasts, dry them well and cut the skin. Heat a pan with a little oil and cook the duck breasts on the skin side in ca. 12 min and 8 min on the flesh side. Pack the meat into the aluminum foil and let it rest while salad is prepared. Rinse the s

Salads Chili Pepper Salt ...

Peel rodurterne. Cut them into julienne (matchstick thin strips). Chop the almonds roughly half. Cut the ham into small cubes. Flip along with rodurterne. Blend prunes, sherry vinegar, prunes, chili and oil together, season with salt and pepper. Turn the vinai

Salads Cucumbers Second Mushroom ...

Mix and marinade the chicken pieces in the marinade is posted. Preferably in an hour, like more. Just before serving fried they on the forehead until they are through fried. The potatoes peeled and cut small grooves in. They brushed with oil and sprinkle

Mains Chili A splash of beer Cream ...

Clean the potatoes (possibly with a brush), cut them into about 1 cm-thick slices, and cook them for about 10 min with broth cube. Can possibly. Cook in pure seawater. Advantage of butter on the bottom of the Pan/pot. Slice the onion, tomatoes and sliced co

Sides Chili Lemon juice Garlic ...

Avocadoens flesh shall be taken. Tomato, red onion & garlic chopped fine. All ingredients together with a whisk, stir and season with salt, chilli & lemon juice. Serve as a dip, as well as used in various dishes.