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Recipes with Chili

Mains Chili Cream for jævning Pepper ...

The meat is cut into appropriate pieces of goulash. Flesh vendesi wheat flour. Brown the meat in a frying pan several times, the roasted meat in a large pot. The chopped onions can be sprinkled over the last portion of meat when it is browned on one side an

Lunch Broth Pepper Salt ...

Boil the rice. Sauté the meat in quite a bit of broth and add tomatoes and spices. Let it småsimre in some minutes season with salt and pepper and toss the cooked rice into the kødsausen. Pour kødsausen in the peppers. Put them in a baking dish and bake them a

Mains Potatoes Whole chicken Oil ...

put the chicken and pig meat in a pan. put all the other things in, and cook it in 3.5 hour or more.

Mains Chili Pepper Salt ...

DOUGH: 1. Beat eggs, oil, salt and water together. 2. Add the wheat flour a little at a time. 3. knead dough until it is smooth and not sticking anymore. 4. let the dough rest for 20 min. cool 5. low filling while dough is resting. Filling: 1. arrow the oni

Sides Pepper Chili Garlic, peeled and minced ...

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and stir well together. Simmer for 3 minutes, stir well so that it doesn't burn. Let it cool and store in glass jars in the refrigerator for 10-14 days. Tips: This sauce can be used to put the raw shrimp before cooking

Mains Fresh coriander Oil Chili ...

Cut scallions and garlic. Saute the onion, garlic and chopped lemon grass in the oil for about 1 min. Add meat and fry it with. Add water, soy sauce, fish sauce, chili and sugar. Let the right bugs, covered, approx. 40 min. to taste. Adornment Court with plent

Mains 3-4 tbsp. ketchup of sundried tomatoes Garlic Pimiento ...

Udvand the fish (1-2 24-hour assistance, thickness). Chop the chilies and garlic and fry it cautious in the oil. Load the layered tomato/pimiento, potatoes, fish and onions (plus purrene) Pour the olive oil over glovarme (w/chili/garlic). Let everything boi

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Fry the chicken in a preheated oven (225 ° c) in ca. 35-40 min. onion and garlic chopped. Sauté onion and garlic in butter in a saucepan until tender. Inserts paprikaen into pieces and add this as well as tomatoes, bouillon cube, chili and cumin. Let it boil f