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Recipes with Apples

Mains Oyster Mushrooms Apples Cider ...

Portion chicken breasts into 3 parts, and brown them in a frying pan, and joined them in a heat-proof platter. Cut apples into slices and remove the seed cell. Rinse the mushrooms, cut the stem off and picking them into suitable pieces. Onion peeled and cut

Mains Pepper (freshly ground) Salt Rooster chicken ...

Clean the faucet the chicken and Pat it dry. Share it in four pieces and brown them on all sides in a saucepan. Chop the onion and it came by. Add the broth, when the onion is shiny. The Court let simmer, covered, half an hour's time. Peel the apples, cut t

Desserts (patisserie) Cake cream corn flour (powder) Macaroons Pie bottoms ...

Peel and grate the apples just fine. It will be a bit brownish but does nothing for the flavor. Low cake cream following the instructions on the bag. Come on alternately cake cream, crushed macaroons and the grated apples on bottoms. Finish with to de

Mains Lasagne sheets Olive oil Pepper ...

Meat sauce: Sauté beef in olive oil. Add chopped onion and green pepper and cook another few minutes. Karryen Sauté with carrots grated coarsely and place in the Pan sam-but with the spinach. Cover with water and cook it together in about 20 mins. Season to ta

Cakes Eggs Yeast Cardamom ...

Warm the milk and oil, stir the yeast out herein, when milk is writer's warm. Add sugar, salt and eggs. Add the flour and knead until the dough is smooth. Let dough raise 1/2-1 hour. Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes, which are mixed with cardam

Mains Comments Pepper Port wine ...

Clean them and tie a cloth around the peaks. Boil them in salted water with Caraway in about 10 mins., but only so the tubers are covered. When they are nearly tender put in oven at 180 degrees for 20 min. Is them new and fresh, it is not necessary to peel the

Cakes in form Oil Salt Cinnamon, ground ...

Stir in eggs, oil and milk together. Mix the dry ingredients together. Whipped in the liquid mixture. Small Apple dice and stir in the raisins. The dough is filled into 20 muffinspapirforme Bake at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for about 25 minutes.

Mains Salt Vegetable stock Curry ...

Put the roaster (Römertopf) in water 1 hour before use. Rub the tenderloin with salt redecorated. Grate the onions coarsely. Slice the tomatoes and apples into thin out small pulp. Mix the onion, tomatoes and apples in the roaster and place the tenderloin o