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Recipes with Apples

Mains Salt Sugar Roast pork ...

Rub the roast with salt and place it in the gennemfugtede roaster. Put apple slices and macerate prunes alongside the roast. Sprinkle, if desired. a little sugar on. The roast should cook for approximately 1 ½ hour at 220 degrees c. alm. oven. Remove if nec

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Rome Butter ...

Remove the apples from the carpels. Stir in sugar, almonds, raisins and rum together and fill it in the apples. Style them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Pour the white wine or cream by. FRY apples at 250 degrees for 35-45 minutes. Eat the apples warm or lukewa

Desserts (warm) Brown sugar Almond flakes Sugar ...

Peel the apples and carpels out connector. Style them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Mix the almond snitterne with half of the sugar and it came in apples. Whip the rest of the sugar with the eggs, so the Frother. Com and advantage it over the apples in the bre

Drinks (cold) Water Fresh ginger Apples ...

Apples and Ginger juices together, diluted with a dl. water or two, if desired. Drunk within 15 min.

Sides Lemon juice Water Apples ...

Lemon juice onto over Apple strips placed in the Pan and pour over layered with 1-2 cups of water. Close the pot and cook for 1-3 minutes. Cool the Pan and close up. Apple snitterne served sprinkled with sugar, or pureeres through a sieve, if it must be apples

Mains Wheat flour Suit Salt ...

Rub the cleaned goose inside and outside with salt. Came the macerate prunes and raw Apple pulp in the goose. Add if necessary. a little sugar, if the apples are very acidic. Set of thighs and wings stuck with skewers and close the filling. Put the goose in th

Drinks (cold) Lemon Apples Stalks Kale (or to taste) ...

4 apples 5 stalks Kale (or to taste) and 1/2 lemon juices. Is the lemon juices with organic can a bit of shell, it gives a nice "zing" in taste. Drunk within 15 min.

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Chopped onions and some gruel is in the oil for a few min. Came in the flesh and mix it well with the onions, while some gruel is. Beware the not lumps together. Add the curry powder and water as well as chopped chutney and let the fumes, covered, on low heat