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Recipes with Apples

Cold cuts Allspice Blubber in slices Thyme ...

Lard, onions and apples cut broken and run 3 times through kødmaskinen. Blubber forcemeat is melted and bake up with flour and milk. The liver run 3 times through the machine together with the anchovies. Liver forcemeat mix in opbagningen along with the spi

Mains Apples Pepper Parsley (chopped) ...

Cut the chicken into serving pieces. Cut the apples into quarters and remove core houses, Put half of the apples in a baking dish and distribute the chicken pieces over. they must not lie on top of each other. Plug the rest of the apples down between pieces

Cakes in form Almond essence to taste (caution) Baking soda Sugar ...

There eggs and sugar together, stir in flour and baking soda in and a bit of almond essence. Peel the apples and grate them. cut bananas into thin slices. Favor the banana slices into a greased casserole dish. Pour the grated apples or more. Now the dough o

Mains Sour cream Dijon mustard Garlic ...

Forcemeat is stirred with sherry, finely chopped onion, nuts, eggs, bread crumbs and salt and pepper to taste. The apples cut into narrow boats. Butter a small refractory with oil and "build" a kind of lasagna, by switching between layers of sausage meat an

Desserts (patisserie) Apples Alm. Pie bottoms Macaroons ...

Cook a good dose of Apple mush (sweetened with oatmeal or sweetener). Mix a 1/3 of weeds with the juice from the Apple passionfrugterne, which together with crushed macaroons; Ford elles on the first layer of the cake. Mix then 2. share the porridge with bæren

Mains Ground ginger Wine vinegar Honey ...

Halvér the apples, peel them and cut the meat in button 1 cm thick both. Melt the butter in an ovenproof dish, place the apples in the dish, taglagt and put it in a hot oven 200 degrees C, 8-10 minutes. Hot honey with vinegar and ginger, pour the mixture ov

Cakes in form Sugar Vanilla Lemon grated to thereof ...

Boil an Apple pudding with apples you have, flavor it with a little sugar and vanilla. Came the porridge in a little high heat-proof Bowl. Whip sugar & butter. Getting eggs in one at a time. Came roughly chopped or coarsely ground almonds in. Then the l

Desserts (cold) Vanilla pod Oranges Banana ...

Peel apples, pears and oranges and cut them into small cubes. Peel and slice the banana into slices. Halve the grapes and remove the cores. Mix all the fruit and season with sugar and lemon juice. Whisk eggs, icing sugar and vanilla to a fluffy egg snaps