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Recipes with Apples

Mains Pepper Salt Freshly slaughtered Turkey on 7-9 kg ...

Wipe the Turkey well inside and be seen after for Quills and other unauthorized persons. Butter it with a mixture of oil, sherry, salt and Rosemary. Preheat oven to 250 o C and roast the Turkey with breast down for 20 minutes on the back is golden. Take the

Cakes in form Brown sugar Apples Butter ...

Apples peeled and grated coarsely. Be in a ildfastfad ca. 23x33 cm., press it together. Brown sugar and bread crumbs mix and sprinkled over, the layer should be approximately 3 mm in thickness. Margarine is distributed on top. Bake for 45 minutes at 2

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Brown bovstegen well in a large pan or frying pan. Com salt and pepper and Thyme on during frying-please be generous with thyme. Arrow the onions and cut them in both. Getting onions, apricots and sundried tomatoes in and water came in so it just covers. Simme

Soups Lemon juice Potato flour Water ...

Peel the apples, cut them into boats and boil them until tender in water. Mix elderberry and lemon juice in. Let the soup cook up, take the Pan from the heat and smooth with potato flour, touched off in a little water.

Cakes in form Vanilla sugar Chopped nut kernels Butter ...

Whisk the whole eggs thick and frothy with sugar. Mix the flour with the baking powder and peeled apples that are cut into thin both. Turn gently melblandingen the eggs Got dough in a well-oiled baking pan lined with baking paper or form about 20 * 30 cm.

Drinks (cold) Vanilla pod Apples Milk ...

Peel the apples and willow core houses out. Blend Apple pieces, add 2 cups milk and vanilla rod. Season with liquid sweet aftertaste. Add ice cubes and blend it all in a few minutes. Server and drink immediately.

Drinks (cold) Sugar to taste Vanilla sugar Apples ...

Peel the apples and willow core houses out. Blend Apple pieces, add 2 dl milk. Season to taste with vanilla sugar and sugar to taste. Add ice cubes and blend it all in a few minutes. Server and drink immediately.

Base recipes Apples ...

Apples, like mealy Apples can replace meljævning to smooth a sauce, it is both easy and gives a good flavor to various dishes such as venison, meat, chicken, etc.