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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Brandy to flaming Sugar red currant or raspberry jelly Water ...

Peel the apples and remove the core House. Boil them briefly in water and sugar. The apples should still be fixed. Set them on a greased baking dish, and got jelly in the holes. Let sugar sheet Cook into until it is thick. Pour it over the apples, and flamber

Desserts (warm) Honey Cinnamon, ground Brown sugar ...

Apples eroded gently with a teaspoon, but not quite down to the flower. Valdnødder, brown sugar, raisins, margerine, cinnamon and honey is stirred together put in apples. Put the apples in the dish with the fill-up. Bake in oven 25 minutes at 180 degrees c

Desserts (warm) Cardamom Salt Beer ...

Flour, sugar, salt and cardamom be mixed. Eggs, beer and milk, add, little by little. The dough should be like whipping cream. Rests ca. 30 min. the Pan heats up with fat. When the edge is light brown and stiff, invert the pancake. Team possibly. the pancakes

Desserts (warm) Sweet milk Polynesian vanilla bars Egg yolks ...

Stir gently sugar out in mass. It should not be whipped so it foams. SI if applicable. kremen. Let kremen rest and cool down for 1 hour. Bake in the oven for 40-50 min at 90-95 degrees. Cool it down and sprinkle with brown sugar cane which is burned with

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Salt Brown sugar ...

Milk, egg yolks, salt, sugar and flour, stir well. The cream and the stiftpiskede egg whites stirred in. Raisins reversed easily in. Half of the butter melts on the forehead and half of the dough met on and Brown on one side. Be reversed as an omelet (compl

Desserts (warm) Lemon juice Whipped cream Wheat flour ...

Pæreren peeled and cut in half, stem and kærnehus are removed, the half-pears onto with lemon juice and place in an ovenproof dish with the curved side facing you. Butter, flour, sugar and cream in a saucepan and boil together for a few minutes. They slippe

Desserts (warm) Almonds Grated lemon peel Raisins ...

The milk is brought to the boil. Grynene sprinkled in under strong stirring in the boiling milk. Cook well 15 minutes stirring occasionally. When the porridge has cooled met 4 whole eggs beaten whites with 2 tbsp. sugar in, as well as a little raisins, and

Desserts (warm) Strawberry or raspberry slices Butter or margarine to form Sugar ...

Share the eggs and egg yolks in one bowl and came whites in another, without that there will be egg yolk in the whites. Beat the egg yolks and sugar fluffy. Add the wheat flour, grated lemon zest and sour cream. Stir it all into a smooth and delicate dough. Be