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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Cardamom, ground Salt Eggs ...

Let the butter melt milk herein. Lun Dissolve the yeast in a little bit cold milk and the milk/butter mixture in came. Stir egg yolks in and then flour sugar salt and cardamom. stir well together. Whites whipped stiff and reversed in the dough. To raise

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Butter Yeast ...

Raise time 1-1 ½ hours. Prepare a smooth batter of flour, yeast, salt and 2 ½ dl milk. The dough should only just kneaded through, then add the rest of the milk while stirring. The dough obscured and must then raise a good hour or so. Heat a blinnis-pane

Desserts (warm) Olive oil Pasteurized egg yolk Melted butter ...

Knockout four identical squares of filodejen. Brush the two pieces of dough with a little butter and put a dejplade over. Share the cheese in two and put a piece on each dejplade and put a sprig of thyme and Rosemary on the cheese-dup with a little olive oil.

Desserts (warm) Buttermilk Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl. eggs, salt and bicarbonate of soda in and starts his whips while pouring sour milk in in a tyns Ray, passport to further batter doesn't get too thick, then climbs it up around the beaters. When the dough is smooth and sleek

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Apples Honey ...

put 3 tablespoons. honnig on a frying pan and heat it. cut the apples into good thin slices and put them on the Pan, fry them until they are golden brown, then sprinkles them with cinnamon and serve them warm.

Desserts (warm) 1 tbsp. orange liqueur Grapes or walnuts Half the pears from canned ...

Let the pears drain away and put them in a baking dish. Pour liqueur over and put a piece of peppermint chocolate on each bulb. Set the dessert in a 175 degree C hot oven in 10-15 minutes, or tilpebermyntechokoladen are molten. Take the bulbs out of the oven.

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Butter Coarse semolina ...

Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pan and add the semolina in it who touched all the time at low heat. When the mixture starts to get Brown, add pine kærnerne and tonsils and stirred into it all is light brown. Stir in sugar, cinnamon and cloves in. Add wat

Desserts (warm) Vanilla pod Fromage frais 0.3 Sherry. dry ...

Wash, halve and udsten wind ruerne. Chop vanillestangen and 1 tbsp. of the cane sugar fine. Mix it with the rest of the sugar. Turn the mixture together with the wind ruerne in a bowl and place uncovered in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Advantage grap