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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Baking soda Becel liquid Salt ...

Mix flour, salt and baking soda with a spoon. Finish all the chocolate and nuts and mix them with flour, salt and baking soda with a spoon. Add milk and Becel and apple and stir with a stirrer until the dough is even. Distribute the dough into the muffin

Desserts (warm) Butter for frying Salt Sugar ...

Whip the eggs together with flour, salt and sugar. Whip the oil into a solid mass. Add the milk a little at a time and whip until there are no more lumps. Now put the pancakes into the fat until they are light brown. If they get black you should hurry do

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Sugar Whole eggs ...

eggs and milk, beat well together in a deep dish franskbrøds slices are added in and reversed so that they will be good through the towed the slices are sautéed a couple minutes on each side and is served warm with a sprinkle sugar and cinnamon. Tips: It

Desserts (warm) Dark brown sugar Ground cinnamon Wheat flour ...

Mix rhubarb, sugar, flour, if necessary. Rum, cinnamon and salt in a teflon pan that withstands that go in the oven. Set the pan on the stove and melt the rhubarb mixture together by direct heat, about 15 min. stir now and then. Turn on the oven grill. Mix o

Desserts (warm) Wheat flour, to fit in the dough Coarse salt Butter ...

The dough. Got the butter in a pan and let it smelde. and leave it in the pan until it is snug. came the yeast in a bowl together with the milk, and stir in sugar and salt in the butter and then Came in. stir well. Came in to the flour is fine and straight

Desserts (warm) Salt Vaniliesukker Kærnemælkmælk ...

Pour it all in a bowl of whipping it together and leave it rested for 1 hour whipping again and back so good tips: Can if you want to add 1 big banana well ripe moses and whipped in. The canon good with ice cream but also cold with a little butter and brow

Desserts (warm) Chopped nuts Wheat flour Potato flour ...

The dry ingredients are mixed. Egg and milk are whipped lightly, then mix all the ingredients including. Apples in the tern. Pour into a greased pie dish 22 cm slide. Spray if necessary. With chopped nuts. Bake at 170 ° C for approx. 30 minutes. tips: Se

Desserts (warm) Vanilla sugar Sugar Eggs ...

Cut the bread into the tern. Shake the bread and almonds in a little butter on the pan. Whip egg, milk, sugar, flour and vanilla sugar together for a smooth dough. Pour the dough over the roasted bread and almonds and back to the bottom of the breadcake is l