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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Lard Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Whip white very stiff. Egg yolks, sour milk and soda also whipped together. And finally the whipped egg whites into. Apple slices will be best of all if they are fried in lard, other things can be used. Do not fill the holes up, since they raise a share. The r

Desserts (warm) Giblets of vanilla pod/vanilla sugar Apple Syrup/caramel ...

You take 3 bowls, above, in one putter you cream in, the other 2 egg yolks, and the third 2 egg whites. The one with cream whipped, to whipped cream. Scrape the insides of vanillestangen down to the yolk and whisk. White whipped and there met the chopped cho

Desserts (warm) Pålægchokolade Pandekagedej ...

low once pancake batter, use your favorite recipe, but any thin pancakes:p When you've made the dough, you start with putting a good knob of butter, or Becel. then bake you the first page in the normal way. When you have turned the put you 3-5 pieces pålægcho

Desserts (warm) Whole milk Margarine Vanilla sugar ...

Mix all the dry ingredients and whisk 6 dl. of the milk in, the dough is lind. Then the rest of the milk and whisk the melted margarine. Behind the pancakes on a 24 cm. teflon frying pan at medium heat. Put wax paper, staniol and a dishtowel over the pan

Desserts (warm) Cream or milk (use if desired, a little sour cream) Baking soda Cocoa ...

Stir in butter and sugar well and add the vanilla and eggs. Pipe bagepulveret in the flour. Stir the flour in the batter alternately with cream/milk/sour cream. Take 1/3 of the dough from cocoa and stir in half of the bright Came. dough in a greased sandkage f

Desserts (warm) Grated Apple Large ripe banana chopped Wheat flour ...

flour, milk, eggs, oil and Apple whipped well, came the banana in eventually and pipes still and quiet around, otherwise will be the banana to clean Moss in dough, Let the dough rest for 1/2time Fry the pancakes in a small frying pan with a little smuggle bu

Desserts (warm) Juice from 1 app Salt Eggs ...

Whip it all together. Hot waffle iron on and brush it with a little margarine. Com 1 dl. dough on the plate and fry them until golden and crispy. Served warm with jam and vanilla ice cream

Desserts (warm) Mint leaves or lemon balm Pineapple Vanilla ice cream ...

Top and bottom cut of ananassen, peeled cut of, the stick is removed and the caramelized pineapple cut into slices. Brown the slices in the Pan in a little butter. When pineapple slices are lightly golden, sprinkled with sugar, which should make the caramel. A