Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Chili spice Wheat flour Oil ...

Boil the water, pour it into a bowl and mix it with the oatmeal. Leave it for approx. 10 min. Add the rind grated from a glue, some juice from it, grated carrot, milk, eggs and spices. Add oil. Finally add flour while stirring until it has a consistency

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon sugar Butter and cooking oil for baking Sugar ...

Sift the flour into a large bowl together with salt, sugar and cardamom. Make a groove in the middle and put the egg into it. Whip it together into a thick mass. Add the milk while whipping well. Finally, melt the butter and whip it well into the dough. Leav

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Ground cardamom Barley ...

The whole is thoroughly stirred and poured into a greased raspberry form and baked in a water bath approx. 1 hour. Served with red sauce. If the very fat milk from the first day of milking is used, you may. Less raw milk and more skim milk are taken.

Desserts (warm) Butter or margerine Cold water Butter ...

Whip flour and water well and pour the melted, cooled grease into the pan. Whip the cream and turn it into the batter. Warm the wafer-iron well. When the dough is poured on, brush it with melted butter. Put a big spoonful Dough on and behind the waffles slowly

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Beer Nut or almond flakes ...

Pancakes: Whip everything except butter, along with electric whips, and there will be no lumps. Stir the butter in. Let the dough rest approx. 10 min. Before baking for thin pan-cakes on a not too large slip-pan. Peel the apples and cut them in both. Let the

Desserts (warm) Bicarbonate of soda Salt Remember or skallin ...

The dough is stirred with machine. The egg whites are separated from the flowers, and whites are whipped stiff with soda and stored. The lemon peel is finely chopped and flour (rice flour, husk and maizena) weighed and mixed with sugar, salt and coriander. Egg

Desserts (warm) Chopped almonds Sugar Margarine ...

Peel the apples and cut them into thin boats. Put in a greased dish. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Stir magarine and sugar softly and mix with oatmeal and almonds. Distribute the dough over the apples Bake in the middle of the oven at 200 ½ hour

Desserts (warm) Salt Strøgen TSP. vanilla sugar Sugar ...

1 Mix flour, sugar, salt and milk together in a bowl - whip it! 2. Touch the egg in 3 melt the margarine on the forehead and mix it in the dough. 4. Take your forehead away from the heat and get on. Let it run out to cover the bottom 5. Behind the pancake