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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Palmin Sugar ...

The yeast dissolves in the seam milk The egg yolks are stirred together with the flour, salt and sugar are added. Whip with a hand mixer. In a clean bowl of pure whip, whip the egg whites stiff and mix / fold carefully into the dough landing. Let rise ½ ho

Desserts (warm) Lemon with Peel and juice Vanilla rod Chili ...

1. Cut all the peel away on the pineapple and cut three slices at the top. Put the fruit in a fireproof dish. If you use a large pineapple, it should be divided into four. 2. Slice chili and vanilla to length and cut into thin spells. Put the rods in the cu

Desserts (warm) Lemon zest from lemon 1/2 Butter for frying Baking soda ...

Mix all the ingredients and whip them together with a hand mixer / elpisker. Put a small teaspoonful of butter on a hot forehead and pour a little of the dough on the forehead. You can either make small thick pancakes, or big thin. Look under the pancake, if

Desserts (warm) Butter for frying Water Wheat flour ...

Mix all the ingredients and whip it together with a hand mixer / elpisker. Put some butter on a hot forehead and pour it up. You can either make small thick pancakes, or big thin. Look under the pancake, if it is brown, turn it over. Take it off when it is br

Desserts (warm) Coarse salt Cardamom & vanilla sugar Baking soda ...

It all mixes and whipped to a liquid waffle dish. Leave it to rest for approx. 30 min and it is ready for baking.

Desserts (warm) Salt Oil Baking soda ...

Stir the dry ingredients together and whip milk and water in it. Add the oil and the waffles in the waffle iron. Served with jams and sugar and possibly. Ice cream or whipped cream.

Desserts (warm) Cream Cinnamon to taste Big Apple ...

Peel the apple and share it in a boat. Peel the core house, sprinkle them with cinnamon (after taste) Turn on 200 g and pack the apples with cinnamon in silver paper and place them for 20-25 minutes. While the apple warmers make cream. Take the creme fra

Desserts (warm) Evt 30-50 g chopped mendler Raffinol or margarine for baking Grated lemon or orange peel after temprement ...

Mix flour, soda and sugar. Whip the dough with most of the buttermilk and add the rest with whipped cream a little at a time. Whip egg yolks, fruit peel and possibly. Almonds in and then the melted chilled butter. Finally, turn the pins whipped egg white into