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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Raspberry Bananas Eggs ...

Cut the bananas into smaller pieces and put them in a bowl. Add the eggs and knead the two ingredients well with a hand mixer. Add raspberries and stir well together. Step three pieces at a time on a forehead without fat. tips: Keep an eye on the pancak

Desserts (warm) Baking soda Oil Salt ...

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and start making waffles from the dough.

Desserts (warm) Salt Eggs Sugar ...

Whip egg, flour and milk together with a hand mill. Then add sugar and salt and stir it until it is well spread. Then just cook it on a frying pan with a little magarine. Tip: Hear One Direction songs while frying them ;-) Serveringtip: Can be severe

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Cardamom Skimmed milk ...

Mash the pitch and whip together with eggs and spices, then add flour a bit at a time so it does not clumber when the flour is stirred in add the milk a bit at a time. Stir a few minutes on each side of the forehead

Desserts (warm) A little oil Oil Vanilla after taste ...

Mix all ingredients. Step the pancakes until golden. tips: You may pour some oil into a glass or a cup and use a silicone brush to lubricate your forehead with. That way you do not get too much oil on your forehead :)

Desserts (warm) Oil or butter for frying Cardamom Salt ...

Whip the eggs together with flour, salt, cardamom and sugar. Add the milk a little at a time and whip until there are no more lumps. Finally whip the oil in.

Desserts (warm) Baking soda Eggs Cocoa ...

Mix the flour, the sugar, the cocoa and the baking soda together. Then mix an egg, oil / margarine and milk. When everything is completely mixed together add nutella / peanut butter. Set in the microwave with the highest heat for 3 - 5 minutes. tips: It do

Desserts (warm) Cardamom Vanilla Eggs ...

Preheat the forehead Butter on the forehead before each pancake tips: Good bake bright :)