Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Sides Roasted bread cubes Salt Boiled potatoes ...

The potatoes peeled and stirred through a press, mix with salt, eggs and flour. Dough kal be such that one can shape the dough balls. The dough must be kneaded well. Got a little flour on your hands and shape dough balls. In each bun to get a little of the but

Cakes A little salt Palmin Grated to a usprøjtet lemon ...

The Mel must be mixed with baking soda. Make a recess in the middle of the flour. Therein be complied with eggs stirred together with sugar, milk, salt, lemon zest and a part of the flour, which is mixed together. Butter cut into cubes and mix into the dough,

Cakes in form Cocoa Butter Milk ...

Stir in melted butter and sugar well. Add the eggs one at a time, and stir the batter well in between. mix the flour, baking soda, cocoa and vanilla sugar together, stir it into the batter alternately with the milk. pour the dough in a small baking pan (25-

Mains A little pepper A little salt A little water ...

Leaf it all together in a bowl, add water as needed. Let it stand for about 5-10 my so crumbs can suck a little. The models FRY my 4-5 on each side in butter or oil.

Cakes Icing sugar With after baking Melted butter for basting the pie ...

Term the flour, make a recess and came crumbled yeast, along with ½ TSP. sugar and a little of the milk in and make a little fordej in the Center. The dough should raise slightly. Mix flour in fordejen, and little by little, sugar, vanillekorn, nutmeg, clove,

Mains Wheat flour A little chicken powder Oil ...

the chicken is cleaned and placed in a large pot covered with water. celery, parsnip, carrot, onion and Leek cut into coarse cubes and add the chicken cooked in about 3 hours, then pick all the meat from the chicken and the Foundation sifted. melt the butter i

Cookies Eggs Bicarbonate of soda Brown sugar ...

butter and sugar and brown sugar is stirred together the nuts chopped chocolate and chopped it all stirred together stir it too much. Put on the plate with 2 theskeer. Bake at 175 ' until golden Tips: Remember to close the cake tin well preferably with adh

Cakes in form Icing glaze and candied orange peels Orange grated Peel and juice of which Margarine ...

Margarine and sugar is stirred. The whole eggs, one at a time, then add orange zest and juice. Finally, stir flour and Dough is stirred together in bagepulveret.. Filled in a greased, bread crumbs strewn rim form. Bake for 45 minutes at 150 degrees c. Th