Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Sifting ...

Sour milk warmed slowly up along with the butter, the mixture is hand warm. Came in and pour this syrup over the yeast, which has crumbled into a bowl. Pipes for the yeast is dissolved. Mix salt and hazelnut flakes along with melsorterne and pipes in gærmassen

Sides Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Melt the butter. Stir in flour and vegetable seasonings in, and add the egg. With a teaspoon in the nearly boiling soup.

Cakes Salt Eggs Cream fraice ...

Water and butter for the butter is melted heats up, mix with cold cream fraice, cool to lukewarm, dissolve the yeast in it. Salt, sugar and eggs are added. Com so much flour in which dough can take as it is a supple dough who unleashes her fingers. Ageing well

Mains Caynnepeber Pepper Salt ...

Cut into strips and Fry lightly in the margarine. The rest of the margarine is melted-the chopped onions and garlic in Flour is stirred into the mix. and prepare a opbagt sauce with the milk and whipping cream. Bell Pepper strips and spices mixed in. Gravy

Mains Dill Pepper Salt ...

Skyøresvampene wells with plentiful water and placed in the refrigerator until the next day. Salmon: Salmon run tough with dad's salt and pepper in a food processor, add the egg and run with, then add the cream gradually to the forcemeat has a suitable cons

Mains Egg cake Olive oil Oregano, fresh ...

Rinse and dry the tomatoes. Cut a cross in the top and sprinkle them with salt and a BOSSMAN tip is also to sprinkle with oregano. Style tomatoes on a plate with wax paper or in a small ovenproof dish and bake them in the Middle the oven together with the egg

Mains Frying oil Pepper Salt ...

Chips: cut the ends and sides of the peeled potatoes. Cut them into thick uniform strains (1 x 5 cm) and put them in cold water for 30 minutes. Take them out of the water and dry them thoroughly. Heat a large saucepan with oil up and boil the potatoes halvmøre

Cookies Cloves, bruised Cinnamon, ground Baking powder ...

Advantage the butter in small blobs in the flour. Mix the other ingredients in. Knead the dough thoroughly. Roll dough into sticks and cut them into small pieces. Roll small balls. Baking time: about 10 minutes at 175 degrees c. alm. oven.