Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes in form Eggs Garnish Reven should of 1 lemon ...

Stir the yeast into the water, butter, lemon zest, eggs, raisins, Add flour and work the dough and sukat well through with a spoon. Be raised approximately 1 hour. Filled in a large greased springform or two smaller molds. After raised, brushed with egg, sp

Cookies Palmin Lemon, thereof Cognac ...

Butter and break into pieces in the flour in which the dough kneaded well with sugar, they together beaten eggs, grated lemon zest, cream and cognac. It is an easy, but pretty steady batter must be cold some hours. Be deployed fairly thin, cut with klejne t

Cakes in form Baking powder Ginger encountered Cloves ground ...

2 whole eggs, 2 egg yolks and sugar, beat for thick foam, the honey whipped in the flour mix with the chopped fruit, spices and antler salt and turned into dough. In the end, invert the two remaining, stiffly whipped egg whites into the batter. Filled in

Cookies Fine Couverture chocolate for melting Sugar Butter ...

Ingredients for the dough is kneaded well together and rolled out into a thick plate about 1 cm. high. They chop through to rods of about 1 x 6 cm. Put on plate and bake slightly bright Brown ca. 10 minutes at 160-175 degrees. When the cakes have cooled sli

Cookies Eggs Tivoli vermicelli Egg yolk ...

Soft butter and sugar is stirred, egg and egg yolk is stirred in, in which the dough is kneaded with light hand. It is very soft, and it must be cold, preferably the next day before it rolled into very thin rods that are shaped to plums. Kringlerne onto in

Cookies Syrup Strong coffee Ginger ...

Butter, sugar and syrup is heated to just below the boiling point, coffee and spices is added. Allow to cool completely, kneaded with flour and bicarbonate of soda and put cold ca. 2 hours. Deploying not too thin and set out for small hearts drawn on cotton

Cookies Powdered sugar frosting with red food coloring or a little melted Couverture chocolate Peeled, sliced almonds Pieces of raisins or currants ...

Butter and flour and break into pieces, in which the dough is kneaded with sugar and eggs. Formed into a sausage made triangular (like pretty peak) and put in the fridge for a few hours. Cut into thin slices, placed on greased plate, where sitting with mout

Cookies Diocese of raspberry jam Icing sugar Sugar ...

Break into pieces in the flour and the dough kneaded butter well with sugar and eggs. Resting cold while almond dough is stirred. Deploying the right thin with Cake Roll dough and blended out for round cakes placed on greased baking sheet. On each cake ½ te