Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Wheat flour Paprika Bacon cubes ...

Start with frying bacon cubes, be taken up. Beef strips Brown in frying fat of some times, is taken up. Saute the onion (halved and sliced) in 25 g. butter for a few minutes, to set so that the mushrooms into slices and sauté a few minutes further. Ha

Cakes in form Cocoa Milk Whipped cream ...

Cocoa, milk, cream and half of the sugar boil and beat well. The rest of the sugar is stirred well with butter. Eggs, baking soda, and vanilla sugar is added. Then add a bit of flour and a bit of cocoa mass, it is stirred well before we again add a bit o

Bread, buns & biscuits Margarine Eggs Whole milk ...

Udrør the yeast in the lukewarm milk, add the melted margarine, eggs and sugar. Stir it all well together and add gradually the flour for dough release. Let dough raise in 20 minutes. Then form the dough for buns in the desired size, and let them after rais

Midnight snacks Pepper. White Asparagus Harvester. canning Coarse salt ...

Pour over asparagus snitterne for draining. Melt the butter, the flour came in and behind it, along with asparagus water. Then add the chicken broth. Let the soup Cook through 5 min. Pour whipping cream in soup and warm up to the boiling point. Season wi

Mains What you really want to of meat fish and vegetables Cheese Salt ...

wheat flour and margarine mixed (smullers) together. stir in the water very quickly. Gather for a real kugel. Can now be stored in the refrigerator in 1-2 24 hours a day. Rolled out to fit the pie plate. The filling will be honored on and egg mixture poured ov

Cakes in form Pearl sugar Orange grated Peel and juice of which Grofthakked nut kernels ...

Margarine is stirred with sugar, add the eggs one at a time It Sift flour, vanilla, baking soda, cocoa is stirred in alternately with milk Finally stir the boiling vaand in dough Dough is distributed in 2 buttered spring shape that is sprinkled over the dough

Cakes in form Melted margarine Strong coffee (may be omitted) Cocoa ...

beat the eggs and sugar to it will be white add ræsten of the ingredients. Com wax paper in a baking pan came the dough in. Bake in middle of oven at 18 min 180 degrees

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Beef tyndstegen provisioned. Rub the roast with salt and pepper. Place it on the grate over the saucepan with curl fat side up. Brown roast 15 minutes at 250 degrees c. alm. oven. Reduce the heat to 100-120 degrees c. alm. oven and pour soup, broth or water