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Recipes with Water

Appetizers Can also use salmon or chicken for that matter! Coarse salt Fine cut red pepper ...

The margarine is melted in a saucepan, flour is whipped in, the water is added while stirring. The boilers are added and heated. The piquant cheese, half cream and salt are added and it is now with mild heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the rest of t

Lunch Sour cream for serving Minced lemon granulated sugar by approximately 15-20 sheets depending on size Fresh pineapple (about 3 dl. fine diced) ...

Pineapple in the tern is boiled with sugar and water. Must be cooled completely. The layer is flavored with white wine vinegar, cream and lemon melon that is chopped fine. It all comes in a glass jar with the herring and draws about 10 hours. Arranged b

Desserts (cold) Mast Strawberry Sugar Vaniliesukker ...

Crumble the biscuits, melt the butter, mix it together and favor the mixture on a dish with the top of a spring shape around. Leave to blow softly for about 10 minutes. Stir the cheese with egg yolks, cremefraiche and vanilla. Pull the house blossom out of the

Mains Dill Whole peppercorns Halibut whole ...

Clean the fish, do not flutter and keep your head on. Indents and gills are taken out at a cut just below the head, please pray. Fishmonger to do it. Scratch the fish clean on the white side, the dark side brushes thoroughly in several wells of salt water o

Mains 0.5 chili Carrot White cabbage ...

Cut the salmon into 1 cm thin slices. Gently pull the salmon on small wooden spikes. Roll, if necessary. The thin end together before pulling the salmon on the spear. Mix the dough, garlic, cumin, fish sauce and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice together into a mar

Porridge & gruel Or Pineapple Water ...

The porridge: Put all the ingredients in a small saucepan and cook for a couple of minutes and pour it into a saucer. It usually gets a bit thicker after it has been a few minutes. Note that buckwheat should boil longer. About 8-10 min. Mosen: Put the

Soups Oregano Pepper Cream or milk ...

Cook the potatoes in the water until they are tender and then add red pepper and tomato cut into pieces. Let boil 3 min. more. Blend it all, add cream / milk and spices and boil.

Desserts (cold) Torn shell of 1 usprøjtet lemon Large tablespoons. Mascarpone Lemon juice ...

Start putting a container that can hold 1½ liter in the freezer. This makes the freezing faster. Bring sugar and water to boil in a pan, turn down the heat and simmer for 5 minutes until it is clear and syrupy. Take the pot off the heat and allow the flask