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Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Almond liqueur Dark chocolate, grated ...

Run the ricotta cheese in a kitchen machine or with an electric whip until it has become airy, 3-4 min. Mix liqueur, honey and vanilla sugar. Share the cherries and take out the bricks. Gently turn the cherries into the cheese mixture. Pour it into a bowl and

Desserts (cold) A little juice Kiwi Plain yogurt ...

Cut the pineapple and kiwi into small pieces, pour into a bowl of lemon juice and pineapple juice. Mix gently into the bowl. Mix cold yoghurt with sugar and vanilla and pour it over the fruits.

Cakes in form Orange juice Vanillekorn from 2 bars vanilla Vanilla sugar ...

Eggs and sugar whipped white. The orange peel is torn and the juice is squeezed out. Warm juice and peeled with vanilla corn. Mash the bananas with fork. The rest of the ingredients are mixed with the egg / sugar mass. Dress a spring shape with paper. Bake

Desserts (cold) Raw sugar Sugar Plain yogurt ...

The fruit is rinsed and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. They are drowning well. The carriers are mixed with sugar. The one layer cake bottom is laid at the bottom of a spring shape. The fruit is poured over and covered with the other bottom. Upstairs, a he

Desserts (warm) Potato flour Sugar Vanilla sugar ...

Whip the flower, milk, sugar and potato flour together in a saucepan. Bring the sauce slowly in boiling with constant stirring. When it has thickened it cools and add vanilla sugar. Blanch the peaches in boiling water for a few minutes. And halve them. Stir th

Desserts (cold) Good dark chocolate Strong coffee Whisky ...

In a large metal bowl, egg yolks, coffee, vanilla, whiskey and sugar are whipped together. Place the bowl over a pot of boiling water. The bowl must not reach into the water. Whip for 3 min. Or until the cream thickens. Pour the cream into a small bowl and let

Desserts (cold) Sugar Vanilla sugar Whipping cream, whipped into foam ...

4-leaf husblas are soaked in cold water, picked up, melted over steam and mixed in the juice. 2 leaves of house leaves are soaked, picked up and melted in ½ dl of boiling water. Sugar and vanilla sugar are stirred in. The husblas solution is poured into the

Desserts (cold) Slipped, Roasted Almond fillets Boiling water Vanilla sugar ...

The cream is not whipped too stiff. The soaked husblas is taken up by the soaking water and melted in 1 dl of boiling water. Cocoa, sugar and vanilla sugar are stirred in excessive heat until the cocoa is without lumps. When the solution is cold, turn the whip