Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Cakes in form Salt Icing sugar Butter ...

Squash rifts roughly. Eggs and sugar are whipped well. Add the oil - then the other ingredients. The dough is divided into two springforms approx. 24 cm. In diameter. The cake is baked at 190 degrees Celsius. Oven for approx. 40 minutes until it feels solid

Desserts (patisserie) Potato flour Egg yolk Sugar ...

medals: Butter / margarine is chopped into the flour. Bring sifted flour with the egg yolk. Eating a dough that is kept cold for a few hours. Roll out for approx. 5-7 mm thick and cut to medals approx. 8 cm. In diameter. Bake at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven fo

Desserts (patisserie) Fill The glaze of 50 g icing sugar (½ dl) Garnish ...

Let the butterflies thaw at room temperature approx. 20 min. Cream: The egg yolks are whipped with the sugar, including flour and milk or cream, and it all boils up while still whipping. The cream must boil strongly and precipitate. Then stir the vanilla su

Desserts (patisserie) Berry Cream Dough ...

Butter and water boil in a saucepan. Bring the flour and stir well for a solid dough. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in sugar and baking soda. Stir the eggs a little at a time (the dough must be stuck). Bring doughballs on the baking sheet (of less than

Desserts (patisserie) A little cocoa Lemon juice Coffee powder ...

Whip egg whites with coffee powder, lemon juice and salt very stiff. Came the sugar on several occasions. Now fill the mass into a spray bag and spray a wreath of approx. 8 cm. Fill out to form a bottom. Behind 75 ° for approx. 3½ hours. Let the cakes be co

Cakes in form Eggs Vanilla sugar Raspberries, fresh ...

Pour the flour and the baking soda into a bowl and stir the sugar. Slice the egg into a separate bowl and whisk it with vanilla, milk and melted butter. Stir the liquid in flour mixture, then raspberries and chopped chocolate. Be careful not to stir too long w

Cakes in form Wheat flour Dark chocolate Melted butter ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped together well. Nuts and chocolate are chopped and mixed with the other ingredients. The dough is well mixed together. The dough must be so firm that it can be gathered into small balls. Each ball is placed in a paper form. If the dou

Cakes in form Eggs Vanilla sugar Buttermilk ...

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees (hot air 160 degrees). Put the blueberries in a sieve and let them drip well (drink the juice or save it - it should not be used in the recipe). Whip the egg into a stirrup. Add sugar, vanilla sugar, oil and buttermilk and