Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Salt ...

Whip butter, sugar and vanilla sugar together into a cream, whip the egg and stir the sliced ​​cornflakes, flour, baking soda and salt in. Pour the dough into two-teaspoon hazelnuts and place them on a plate of baking paper. There must be a good distance be

Cakes in form Eggs Liquid margarine Bicarbonate of soda ...

Chop the chocolate (please in a little big pieces.) Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl of 2/3 of the chopped chocolate. Mix the wet ingredients into another bowl and whip short with a whipping until the mass is uniform. Pour the liquid into the bowl w

Cakes in form Vermicelli The rest of the colaen (read the recipe) Vanilla sugar ...

DEJ: Half the foams and mix them in a bowl of sugar. Bring butter, 275 g of coke (almost all of the coke) and cocoa powder into a pan and give it a boil. Pour hot melt over sugar and mix well. Stir eggs, vanilla sugar and baking soda in the dough. Stir the

Drinks (cold) Chopped chocolate (optional) Milk Banana ...

Remove the banana peel, knock it in the middle and put it in the blender. Pour milk until the banana is covered (Depends on blender size, ½-1 dl.) Pour the frozen strawberry and start the blender. When everything is blended together you can pour more milk into

Cakes in form Salt Chocolate, chopped Bicarbonate of soda ...

The liquid fat is mixed with sugar and the eggs are added one at a time. Mos the bananas and put them in. Add flour, chocolate, soda, vanilla sugar and salt. Bake in a greased baking pan 200 degrees for about 25 minutes Tip: When the cake is about to f

Cakes in form Eggs Baking soda Liquid fat ...

MOUSSE: (To be made the day before): Melt flushed and turtles in a saucepan under low heat while constantly stirring. Pour the mousse into a bowl and place it in the fridge for a day. CUPCAKES: Whip egg, sugar and vanilla sugar into an airy mass. Add liq

Cakes in form Cardamom Salt Light sirrup ...

Dough: Lun milk for it is small-fingered, and dissolve the yeast in it. Cut the butter into smaller cubes and add the milk with the other ingredients. Eat or stir the stirrer until the dough is smooth and even. The dough stickes a bit, but the more you kneel

Cakes Cardamom, ground Eggs Wheat flour ...

Stir the yeast into lukewarm milk and whip the egg. Slice the butter in 150 g of wheat flour and add sugar, salt and cardamom. Stir the yeast mixture into the dough and beat it thoroughly with a spoon. Add the rest of the wheat flour slightly at a time and kne