Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Buffets Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Thaw the cabbage up into a sieve and strain væden from, or let the cabbage fumes a bit of on the forehead. Let the spin 5-10 minutes in the pan with half of the butter and the whole piskefløden. Pipe a butter bun of the flour and the rest of the butter a

Mains Pepper Salt Red bell pepper cut into fine cubes ...

Strimles the potatoes in a food processor or tearing of a Slaw iron. Mix with grated cheese and egg yolks, and then seasoned with salt and pepper. In a baking pan of a piece of buttered wax paper. To that end, spread potato mixture out in ca. 1.5 cms. thicknes

Mains Carnations Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

1500 g. lean for mincing with 500 g of fat. When forcemeat is run 3 times through the mincer, kneaded it carefully with ca. 5 dl. cold ham soup and season with salt, pepper, cloves and grated nutmeg. The texture of forcemeat must be steady and easy. Forceme

Mains Oil Oregano Pepper ...

Onion and meat FRY in oil in a pan, and then HP. tomatoes and vegetables added. The right season with oregano, salt, pepper, pressed garlic and Bouillon.

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Saute the onion, champion, squash and chicken in oil in a pan. When the chicken is browned, add lemon juice, salt, pepper and oregano. Then pour the milk over. Add bouillon mixture and left to simmer for approx. 15 min. Tips: For this dish is rice very we

Appetizers Lemon both Dill Pepper ...

Share Kaikan, and remove the stone. Tomb of flesh out gently with a spoon. Rinse and diced tomato. Peel the bulb and cut it into cubes. Rinse celery stems and cut them into thin slices. Slice the avocado flesh in ca. 2 x 2 cm cubes. Mix the avocado, tomato, p

Appetizers Lemon Lemon both Dill sprigs ...

Put the gelatine soak in cold water for 5 min. Mix the gelatine up and melt it in a small pot in the water, hanging by. Leave to cool a little before the stir in fromage fraisen. Let the tuna drip free of moisture and mix it in the fromage fraisen along wit

Salads Pepper Green pesto Mayonnaise ...

Pipe maynnaise and pesto together. Add pepper and garlic. Cut the sausage into strips and toast crispy on the forehead. Cut the mushrooms into quarters. Cook the pasta along with plenty of oil in 15-20 min. until it is just tender. Rinse it with cold water and