Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Milk

Desserts (warm) Chocolate gravy Hazelnut flakes Grated must of ½ lemon ...

Grilled pancakes: Mix flour, sugar, salt and lemon peel. Whip milk for a little time, for a lump-free dough. Whip the eggs in. Add melted butter. Bake them until they are light brown on both sides. serving: Cut the ice in the beams and lay them in the pan

Drinks (warm) The peel of ½ Orange Sugar Black the ...

Boil water with 1/2 orange peel for 5 minutes. Add the milk, sugar and sugar. Boil and let it take 2 min. Say, put the tea in 2 mugs.

Breakfast & brunch Eggs Yeast Salt ...

Stir the dough and allow it to rise for 45 minutes. Pour flour on the table and roll out the tile circle sprinkle flour and roll circle to 50cm. Cut 16 triangles with a slice of spider and roll the trunks together from the wide end and allow them to add for 1/

Drinks (warm) Candy sugar or cane sugar Hot, very strong coffee, such as espresso Milk ...

Bring the milk into a thickened pot and bring to a boil while stirring. Distribute the milk into 2 high glasses (which can withstand heat). Then carefully add the coffee, if necessary. Down over the vaulted side of a spoon to form 2-3 layers. Immediately serve

Drinks (cold) Freshly squeezed lemon juice Orange juice Milk ...

Come ice cubes and the other ingredients in a blender glass. Blend at fastest speed for approx. 20 sec. Or until the ice is broken. Taste and spread it in 2 high, cold glasses. Serve immediately, if necessary. With thick straws.

Desserts (cold) (this portion of rows to a minimum of 20 PCs.) Baking soda Egg yolk ...

Ice: Boil milk and sugar. Take the pot from the heat and put the mint in. Let it pull at least 6 hours and preferably overnight. Sieve. Freeze in a machine or in a bowl, which is stirred with whipping during the freezing, so that the sorbet does not freeze int

Drinks (cold) Sugar Strawberry Vanilla-ice cream ...

Stir milk, strawberries, sugar and ice cream well together in a bowl. Pour the mixture into high glass - and remember to have a straw in the glass. Serve the milkshake immediately.

Desserts (cold) Butter Vanila Whipped cream ...

The rice is boiled in the milk approx. 35 min. Butter, sugar and vanilla are stirred. The eggs are added with stirring. The edge shape is covered with caramel. (Caramel: The sugar is melted on a dry pan over low heat without stirring. When it bubbles and is li