Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Milk

Mains Bacon pieces Salt Grated onion ...

Start boiling the rice. - Then make a baked sauce of the first five ingredients. Add the egg yolks and cool the mixture. Turn squash, rice and pinch egg whites into the sauce. Pour the soufflé in a greased form and behind 160 degrees for one hour. Accessori

Mains Salt Golden raisins, put in hot water for 10 minutes Piniekerne, lightly toasted ...

Heat the oven up to 175 degrees. Heat the oil to 190 degrees in a frying pan. Move the aubergines alternately soon after each other. Let them drip on a piece of paper roll. In a mortar, clove garlic and breadcrumbs together, add milk just enough to make it

Desserts (warm) Salt Cognac Lemon, the juice of which ...

The dry ingredients are stirred for a leveling with beer and milk. Egg yolks and oil are added and the dough rests for 30 minutes. Then turn the pinch egg whites into the dough. Put the pancakes in butter The pancakes are rolled together on a dish. Butte

Desserts (warm) Almond splitter Grated lemon peel Salt ...

The eggs are whipped with the flour. Combine boiled butter and milk. Add the dough with salt, sugar, vanilla and fried lemon peel. The pancakes are baked very thin on a hedge pan. Only butter the forehead first. Should it be Crêpes Suzette, turn the panc

Mains Mozarellaost Pepper Salt ...

The pancake dough is stirred together and rests for 1/2 hour. Spinach, cream and nutmeg are put over and simmer as quietly. The mushrooms are chopped and browned in butter until they are brown and dry. Then they are added to the spinach. The Parmasan nut is ad

Mains Crushed garlic Pepper Salt ...

The French bread is soaked in the milk for 10 minutes. The rest of 1: stir together and form into steaks, which are browning on the forehead for 2-3 minutes. On each side and put in a refractory dish. The pan is boiled with 2: and poured over, finally sprinkle

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

French bread is soaked in the milk. Chopped onion and beef in the oil. The bread is crushed and crumbled together with spices and chopped apricots (take 4 for decoration). The mixture is placed in a greased refractory dish. The eggs are poured into the m

Lunch Pepper Salt Butter ...

Crumble the butter in the flour and collect the dough with water. Grab the dough in foil and let it rest - like the next day. Roll the dough thinly on a floured table and coat small molds with it. Put the oven at 200 degrees cutting the cheese into slices and