Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Milk

Mains Salt Stegesky-from kødsaften that drips down into the roasting pan during frying of roasten (roast beef) or 1.5 dl. vegetable oil or Unsalted butter ...

1. Put the slice of oil, oil or butter in the oven at 220 degrees, either in a refractory dish or advantage of cloud, oil or butter in coquettes or the like. 2. Meanwhile flour + egg: Bring the flour into a bowl and make a small bowl in the middle where you w

Cakes Or whipped cream White glaze Snitede almonds ...

The margarine chop in flour the eggs are added Together with the sugar yeast crumbles in or spread out in a bit of debw milk and the rest of the milk pipe is gradually rolled out to a large cookie that is laid on a greased plate. Sugar and cinnamon pours toge

Cake add-ons Cardamom Salt Dark syrup ...

The dough is kneaded, covered and set to rise for 20 minutes, after which it is formed into a ball which rests for a couple of minutes. Then roll the dough out, put in a greased bradpande. The remoncen is ironed and slightly dark powder sugar over the cake is

Appetizers Lemon Cremefarice Dill ...

Start with the Roulad, which is baked in good time, as it will have time to cool off. Pour butter and flour together into a pan. Sprinkle with milk and cream while still whipping and cook for a few minutes. Take the pot off the heat. Pour all the vinegar f

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Tear the carrots and mix them with oatmeal and fat in a saucepan. Pour the mixture for 7-10 minutes. Let it cool off. Stir milk, eggs, flour thyme, baking soda, salt and pepper together into a smooth dough. Turn the carrot mixture in. Butter a pie dish, pour t

Bread, buns & biscuits Sour cream Milk Grahams ...

Pour milk and creme fraiche and becel together into a bowl and add sugar. Lune slightly until the mixture is lukewarm. The yeast crumbles in it and stir around until the yeast is dissolved. -2 eggs are added. -tried carrots and flour are added and stirring

Mains Asier Garlic powder Nutmeg ...

The hearts are cut into strips, then carefully cleaned and all tendons and blood are removed, rinsed well and dried off in a piece of kitchen roll. The margarine is melted and the pieces are put in it when the pieces are browned, spoon with the bouillon and th

Lunch (to go) Milk Sesame seeds Salt ...

Rye kernels boil for two minutes with a little water (not included in ingredients, about 0.5 dl). It is taken off the blush and the milk is coming in here. Yeast dissolves in the water and add salt and sugar. After which the rye and milk leaves are added. The