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Recipes with Butter

Mains Wheat flour Oil Breadcrumbs ...

Share each chicken into 8 parts, sprinkle them with a little salt, and let them sleep cool ½ hour. Turn each part in flour, shake off the excess flour, then dip them in beaten egg yolks together easily, and vend them then in sifted bread crumbs. Fry the chicke

Mains Fish heads and bones Carrot Bay leaf ...

First prepare the fish Fund by letting fish heads and legs Cook gently in wine together with herbs and spices. When it has boiled ½ hour, sies Fund from, is there more than that will be used to just barely cover the salmon slices cooked into the Fund. Sprin

Lunch Pepper Salt English mustard powder ...

Grate the bread. Melt butter over very low heat, or better yet put it in a double boiler, add beer, mustard powder, pepper and a pinch. Salt. Heat the mixture to just below the boiling point, caution pipes so the cheese in the. Tag the pot of fire and allow th

Lunch Bacon grease Cayenne pepper Pepper ...

Stir the butter with so much beer, as it can record. Add salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and grated cheese. Stir it well. Increased franskbrøds the slices on both sides in the bacon grease and place them in a heat-proof platter. Wide butter mixture over the br

Mains Salt Green pepper Paprika edelsüss ...

Cut the poularden in 8 parts, and sprinkle them with salt. Chop the onion finely. Melt butter, without the Tan in a large frying pan. Fry the onion until transparent, sprinkle the paprika over, let this Cook for a minute, and stir a couple of times in it until

Desserts (cold) Clear honey Milk Salt ...

Make a smooth batter of flour, egg, egg yolk, milk, water, salt and sugar, and behind it as small, Fluffy pancakes, use as little as possible for frying butter. The objectives specified, should stretch to 8-10 pancakes. Fill them with one of the 2 fill, descri

Mains Ambra Tarragon Freshly ground white pepper ...

Clean the eels very carefully, they must be very fresh, and cut them into 5 cm long pieces. Melt butter, come bury in, fry them for a moment, and then add the chopped shallots and finely chopped herbs. Let it cook a couple of minutes. The wine came in, and fil

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn the meat in a mixture of flour, salt and pepper. Heat the oil and butter, and Brown links on all pages. Turn down the heat, and add the carrot, cut into strips, the chopped onion and parsley, and cook everything together for a moment, then add tomato pure