Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter

Sides Salt Creme fraise Cream ...

Rough bagekartoflerne and cut them in half. Behind them in the oven for forming a Brown film over the potato. (ca. 30-45 min). Remove this membrane and the tomb of the innards from the potato out and place it in a bowl and mash it (be careful to not go hole in

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Pork roast is cut by about 1 cm intervals on the underside is made with a sharp knife a sloping "Pocket" at ca. 7 cm in depth. "Pocket" must be approx. 1.5 cm from the ends. half the Timianen chopped together with a clove of garlic and a can of peaches then mi

Cakes in form Maple syrup Water Wheat flour ...

Heat oven up to 170 degrees. Knead the butter, flour and sugar together into a dry crumbly mass. Slice rhubarb stems in centimeters thick slices. Boil water up with maple syrup and toss rhubarb in. take pan of flared, and let rhubarb pulling the bed shee

Soups Pepper Salt Curry ...

Arrow and chop the onions fine. Fry them for 5 minutes in a pan with the butter, without taking colour. Add the curry powder, garlic and finely ground tomatoes. Stir in the cream and pour it out broth in. Let it all get a rehash. Cut the fish into small "bi

Mains Salt White wine. dry Olive oil ...

Onions and celery chopped fine. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the onion, celery and a little salt and sauté for about 3 min. Then add the garlic and rice and turn down the heat. Who is stirred constantly and the rice begins to Cook, and will be af

Cookies Vaniliesukker Icing sugar Magarine ...

It all touched on a mixer for dough accumulates when the assembled rolled it out like sausages Around like a Rullader made of cold in the fridge for the next day the oven set at 190 degrees & pasties cut out & bake about 10 min for the weak lyssebrune

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

mix sugar, salt, wheat flour together, add the milk and beer pipes well beat the 4 eggs in and stir together and make pancakes filling: boil the eggs should be hard-boiled when they are chilled by arrow and notch them Sauce: melt the butter and add the flou

Desserts (cold) Salt Whipping cream Rod vanilla ...

Dry clean golsad. Cut a cross in the pointed end with a sharp knife. Got them in boiling, lightly salted water, so they just covered. Cook them in my 10-15. Golsad rinse under running water. Shell and the Brown film of the arrow. Crack vanillestangen, scr