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Recipes with Butter

Cakes Dough Fill Garnish ...

In a bowl of lukewarm water in and it comes in the crumbling the yeast in it. Stir the yeast is completely dissolved. Add the cream, sugar and softened butter (the butter will be softened by taking the package out of the fridge and put it in a warm place for a

Cookies Water Wheat flour Almonds, peeled ...

Butter, margarine, syrup and brown sugar is melted and cooked up quite short and cool then. Potash is dissolved in a cup of water. Add rest of ingredients. Roll dough into sausages with a diameter of approx. 4 cm. or in the size you prefer Brown cakes.

Cakes Pearl sugar/tesukker Butter Apples ...

First, in a small pot or saucepan and warm the milk. It must only be writer's warm. Pour the milk into a bowl and stir the yeast out. Pour the remaining ingredients and stir in to the dough is soft and supple. Tire Bowl with a tea towel and let dough stand in

Mains White potatoes Milk Turbot ca 3.5 kg ...

Head sewn onto the cleaned turbot, and the emphasis is on grate in a fish kettle. The cold boiling brine is added, and the fish brought to the boil, skimmed and draws on the boiling point approximately 12 min per kg. The fish is served and served with boiled p

Desserts (warm) Cardamom, ground Salt Eggs ...

Let the butter melt milk herein. Lun Dissolve the yeast in a little bit cold milk and the milk/butter mixture in came. Stir egg yolks in and then flour sugar salt and cardamom. stir well together. Whites whipped stiff and reversed in the dough. To raise

Lunch Grilled onions Ketchup Butter ...

A real Australian hot dog consists of a slice of toast sting with smor, ketchup and so a Polsat diagonally then tucks one grilled log on and folds it so together and eat it. And if ketchuppen not drip out have you not been enough.

Candy Whole milk Oatmeal, finvalsede Coffee ready made ...

Stir all the ingredients together ... and let them stand in the refrigerator for half an hour. They rolled into balls which rolled in desiccated coconut or powdered sugar.

Desserts (cold) Vanillie Lemon juice from here Egg white ...

The apples were peeled off and core are blended out. Apples can be halved, boats or used whole. Roll apples in egg white and then the sugar/cinnamon mixture. Decorate with marzipan and/or honey, almond flakes and raisins. Serve with marscarpone cream, creme fr