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Recipes with Basil

Mains Fresh salad as you like Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Cut the beef into strips of 3 cm. in length and 1 cm thick. Warm 2 tablespoons. olive oil in a large saucepan and Brown the meat for 2 minutes. Peel the onions and chop them finely. Arrow white onions and chop them. cut tomatoes into quarters-and got it all

Mains Basil Fine chopped parsley fresh or dried Bay leaves ...

Start by turning on the oven at 200 degrees c. You must tear 4 paragraph long foil in pieces, they must be ca. be a good meter money, put the double together. Put 1 small handful of Bay leaves in the middle of the foliet, then a small handful of beans, p

Sides Olive oil Small glass black olives without stones, depending on the size Basil ...

Blend all ingredients, so there are no lumps. Tips: Fits perfectly to my recipe of focacia in roasting pan!.

Mains Basil Chilli Fresh chilli ...

Kartofflerne: pour into a baking pan, garlic crushed and place in a Meljævnersammen spices, smear with olive oil and rystets well. put them in 30-40 my ovenen. The steaks: Steaks are shaped as ordinary steaks, seasoned with salt and pepper, and Brown pg be

Mains Basil A good oil Pepper ...

Pour a 4-5 tbsp. oil in a frying pan with high edges (possibly a wok) chop the garlic and chilli finely and fry it in oil for a few minutes. Ruccola salad fried in the oil. Cook the pasta and pour the pasta-water from and put the freshly-cooked pasta into t

Appetizers A few small sardeller (salted anchovies) If you can find them Good olive oil Basil ...

Almonds, pine nuts, cheese, salt and garlic is chopped in a food processor (it must be really fine takes place the whole thing in a stone mortar) Parsley (without the aller coarsest stems) and basilikun are crushed with (pause, possibly the machine and help in

Desserts (cold) Basil Juice of 1 lemon Syrup: (1/1) portion ...

Syrup: boil the mixture up and allow to cool. Granité: Boil the syrup and orange peel up. Add the tomato juice, Orange and lemon juice. Freeze in baking pan or similar. Basil strimles and individual bowls put on freeze. Scrape the flakes of tomato graniteen an

Mains Fresh Rosemary Garlic Pepper ...

Dough: Stir comings out in lukewarm water and knead the other ingredients in. Knead the dough approx. 10 minutes (5 minutes by machine) and let it raise to double the size of approximately 1 hour. Share it in two pieces, knead them into balls and roll them wit