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Recipes with Basil

Sides Rosemary Thyme Garlic cloves ...

Arrow white buds and give them a quick rehash. White onions in a sieve, rinse and pat dry. Chop garlic coarsely and add to a bottle or glass along with the herbs. Pour the oil over. Close the bottle and let it stand dark and cool 1 week.

Soups Basil Chili Paprika ...

Put the chickpeas to soak the day before and boil them until tender in about 1 hour. Saute the onion, garlic, Zucchini and celery in oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the spices and tomatoes and bell pepper cut into small pieces. Let it all simmer for 8

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Rinse, clean and cut vegetables. Chop Basil and mix it with the butter. Cut a pocket in the kulkunbrystet and got butter mixture in there. Close the hole with a kødnål. Turkey Breast Brown on the Pan and place in tinfoil with white wine. Got it in the oven

Salads Basil Mint Pepper ...

Slice the chicken breasts into cubes. Mix the chicken breast with fintsnittet pale celery and chopped walnuts and serve it on 4-5 plates. Clip Mint and Basil over. Stir a dressing of lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper. Advantage dressing over. Give bread

Mains Basil Margarine or oil Paprika ...

Boil tortellinien in water with a little salt. Brown the meat in a pan with onions and white onion. Add the broth or water and tomato paste. Season with paprika, thyme, basil, salt and pepper. Came tortellinien in an ovenproof dish, pour over kødsovsen a

Appetizers Basil Italian bread sprinkled with spice (eg. Naples from brugsens bakery) Grated cheese (not to the light version) ...

Stir in tomato paste, along with oil and pressed garlic. Cut the bread into slices and butter the individual slices with mixture. Cut the tomatoes into slices so thin as possible, and put these on. Sprinkle the slices with Basil and a little grated cheese.

Mains Basil Thyme Egg yolk ...

Mix and form into patties and FRY in the usual 4-6 show. Server steaks with baked potatoes with herb butter or with roast potatoes and a salad.

Salads Lemon juice Olive oil Mint ...

Bulgur and water mix, pulling in 15 minutes (for all water is absorbed). Herbs, rinsed, dried and chopped, not too fine. Bulgur, herbs, lemon juice and oil mixed together. Served slightly chilled.