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Mains recipes

Mains Salt Butter for Browning Onion diced ...

The birds are washed and dried and rubbed with salt inside and exterior. Brown them in butter in a frying pan. Take them up, and Brown onion. Add the white wine and chicken stock, and put the birds back into the pan. Roast, covered, for 30 minutes. Take the

Mains Pepper Salt Small glass of calvados ...

Fasanerne rub with salt and pepper and brown them quickly on the forehead in half of the butter and pull them up. Peel the apples and remove the core House. Cut them in thin Golden in the Pan and fry them both in the rest of the butter. Apple boats are then

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Olive oil Pepper ...

Fasanerne be wrapped in thin slices of smoked lard (so it does not become dry). Use like skewers or wet toothpicks. They Brown on all sides in a pan with a little butter. Take them up and fry the sliced root vegetables in the same fat. Put fasanerne in a greas

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Butter for frying White wine vinegar ...

Partér pheasant in 8 pieces. Brown pheasant and garlic in butter in a good sautérpande. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the white wine vinegar, and let it simmer on a low heat without lids for white wine vinegar is almost evaporated. Add the white wine a

Mains Pepper Salt White wine ...

Bank pheasant fillets flat with a clenched hand. Chop the olives and garlic and mix detmed herbs. Season the meat with salt & pepper and favor the filling on the meat and roll it along. Fix your with kødnåle or ombind rollers with cotton yarn. You can obta

Mains Jævning Pepper Red currant jelly ...

Rub the redecorated pheasants with salt and pepper. Brown them in butter on all sides in a large frying pan. Turn down the heat and add half the broth and cream. Let fasanerne småsimre in ca. 50 minutes. Take them up and cover with foil. Pour the rest of th

Mains Pepper Salt Plums ...

Cut the yolks through and remove the stones. Cut the yolks out in both. Boil the vinegar up with cinnamon, star anise and sugar. Pour the boiling brine over the yolks and let them stand and pull – preferably overnight. Slice the thighs of fasanerne. Slice t

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

The birds are boned and thighs folds down on the leg so there comes a collar around the thick part of the thigh. Brown first in a little butter in frying pan and FRY further in the oven at 200o in ca. 15 minutes Port wine and white wine as well as fund pour