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Cookies recipes

Cookies Vanilieessens/almond essence Water Baking soda ...

Mix flour, baking soda, sugar. Cinnamon, venison powder and grated orange peel in a bowl. Add eggs and butter. Tear the marcipan and mix it in. Stir the water and the essence in the end. Læh flatters on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and baked the baki

Cookies Eggs Butter Wheat flour ...

Mix butter and sugar Stir the egg into a bowl and mix with a fork and put it in the butter sugar mixture (it is good to store the rest of the egg in case the dough gets too dry (it may also be when you form if they are too much pills it)) Keep flour in the d

Cookies St. ginger Cinnamon Wheat flour ...

Butter and sugar stir until it is "crunch free", add the eggs and stir it together. Mix some of the flour with the spices, stir in the sugar / egg mass. Add the rest of the flour a little at a time. Not all the flour may be used. The dough must not stick t

Cookies Eggs Sugar Dark chocolate ...

Melt the margerine. Whip sugar and margerine well together, add eggs and flour, whip again. Tear 50 g. Of chocolate and put into the dough, whip again. Roughly chop the last 50g of chocolate and mix it in the dough .. Baked for 10-15 min. At 175 degrees

Cookies Salt Eggs Baking soda ...

Preheat the oven at 190 c. Pies: Mix flour, cocoa powder, soda, baking soda and salt. Whip sugar and butter in another bowl. Add eggs and vanilla. Mix the buttermilk and coffee together in a cup. Add the flour and coffee milk alternately to the butter

Cookies Apricot-raspberry or Strawberry Jam Green marzipan (green glaze can also be used) Red food coloring ...

With an approx. 5 cm cut out, cut out the layers of cake, avoid the dark edge, put the pieces together two and two with marmalade. The butter is whipped in a medium-sized bowl with a hand mixer until it is smooth. Add flour and milk and keep whipping until

Cookies Water Yeast Salt ...

Mix everything and stir well if it is wet yet put more flour in. If it is a bit dry put some water in. They are baked for about 10 minutes until they are golden brown. And when done, they are cooled. Melt the 800 grams of boiling chocolate deep the cold he

Cookies 200 5 Garbage Orange skald ...

Melt the 500 grams of magarine. Take all the dry stuff and mix them together. Take all the wet things and mix them with the dry ones. The pancakes must be shaped with caps so they are round. The cakes are baked for approx. 10 minutes. Till they are brown.