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Cookies recipes

Cookies Eggs Sugar Margarine ...

Milk and butter are crumbled together. The dough was kneaded with coconut flour and sugar. The dough is thrown into the fingerpiece bars. Brush with egg and sprinkle with coconut. Cut into 4 cm long pieces. Bake 8-10 min at 200 gr.

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Salt Vanilla sugar ...

The chocolate is chopped in rough pieces. Ingredients are mixed. The dough is put with teaspoon in blemishes on the baking sheet with baking paper. Bake 10 min at 180 degrees C. alm. oven. There will be 4 plates of this portion.

Cookies Eggs Bicarbonate of soda Brown sugar ...

Stir soft butter, brown dough, sugar and egg well together in a bowl and then stir water and Daim chopped daim or whole daim balls. Mix wheat flour, vanilla sugar and baking soda, place it in the butter mixture and mix well. Put the dough on a floured ta

Cookies Salt Baking soda Eggs ...

Whip the butter and sugar creamy and whipped cream, egg and vanilla sugar. Sigy flour with baking soda and stir in the dough with salt. Stir fruit, nuts and chocolate in the dough. Divide the dough into two pieces and form them into thick sausages. Pack the

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Chocolate (dark or light) ...

Melt the butter and stir it with the sugar in a bowl. Add the eggs and stir it around. Chop the chocolate and pour the bowl Add baking soda Add the same flour as well. Use your fingers to make it touched together properly. Turn on the oven at 175 degre

Cookies And flour so that the dough will be fixed but then it still will be in stålen if it gets turned on its head Egg white Baking soda (not the top) ...

The ingredients are put in a steel in the order mentioned ... Bake in the oven at 180 degrees, for approx. 15 min. Until they are crisp and delicious. tips: The cakes are delicious and taste good when dipped in milk! AS WE LIKE COOKIES!

Cookies Salt Vanilla rod Hazelnuts ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees C. Fold the vanilla pole and scrape the corners with the tip of a knife. Stir the vanilla grains together with dough, sugar and soft butter together in a bowl. Beat the egg into the bowl and stir. Mix baking powder, flour

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Dark chocolate ...

Chop the chocolate roughly. Whip egg and sugar together, add butter, flour, vanilla sugar and baking soda. The chocolate is mixed in as the last. If the dough is sticky, a little more flour can be added. Use a tablespoon to form the biscuits on the bakin