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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Garlic Olive oil Salt ...

Cut the meat into cubes and place it in a pan with sunflower and olive oil and fry the meat is done. The forehead should be so hot that the meat is not boiling in its juices. This is done anyway, it is important to pour the juice from the Pan and FRY further a

Mains Chili-powder Curry-powder Comments ...

Potatoes: wash, Peel and cut into small cubes. carrots: wash, rinse and slice into thin slices. Eggplant and squash: Rinse and halvér, then cut in approximately 1 cm thick slices and cut the slices into about 1 cm cubes. Peppers: cleaned, halved, rinse and cho

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Salmon-stuffed isingfilet: Season isingfileterne with salt and pepper. Cut the salmon into thin slices and place a layer on top of the fillets and roll it along. Put the rollers in a dish and add the stock and white wine. Overdæk with foil and steam them in a

Mains Fresh chopped cilantro Pepper Salt ...

Lamb meat cut into cubes and added 1-2 hours in a layer of lemon juice, finely grated garlic, coriander, salt and pepper. Who flipped around in the flesh so all pieces stirred by sheeting. The peppers cleaned and cut into cubes, onions peeled and cut in bot

Mains Jævning Parmesan or grated cheese Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Brown onions and meat and garlic pepper and salt. put it in the bottom of a baking dish. Put the slices of tomato over it. Fry the slices of mushroom on the forehead ca. 5 minutes. Pour cooking cream over mus

Soups Pepper Salt Bay leaves ...

Heat the oil in a pan. Add carrots, onion and celery, all finely chopped, they pressed garlic and bay leaf. Stir and simmer for 15 minutes, covered. When the vegetables are softened, add the tomatoes in both as well as the sun-dried tomatoes into strips. Le

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

The onions peeled and chopped fine. Chili peberne rinse and chop finely. The tomatoes are washed by scratches in the cross, be a moment in the boiling water and skinned. The green at the stem of the hilt set and the tomatoes cut into slices. Courgetterne rinse

Mains 3 potatoes A little chilli Pepper ...

parsley and onion chopped finely and mix together with køddet. salt and pepper are added. "Køddejen" is distributed in a dish. Toma terme cut into slices and spread on top of the meat. The potatoes peeled off and distributed on top right. potato slices can pos