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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Onion Olive oil Turkey bacon ...

Cut the meat into the tern of 2x2 cm. Clean the mushroom, halve shallots and cut the tomatoes in both. Put alternately meat, bacon, mustard and tomatoes on the grill spoon. Brush with olive oil and spice with squeezed garlic, salt and pepper. Let the spears gr

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Chop onions and garlic and mix with the meat. Stir rasp, tabasco and a little salt and pepper. Form it into 4 flat carrots and chop them well together. Grill them 5 min. On a preheated grill and warm the battered burger buns on the grill. Put the burgers toget

Mains Pasta-fresh Parsley Turkey bacon into slices ...

The Schnitzler Brune off (1 minute on each side) and put in a dish with slices of tomato. Add white wine, chopped onion and sprinkle with parsley and bacon. Place the alloy oil and baking in the oven for 20 minutes at 150 degrees. Serve with rice or pasta

Mains Thyme sprigs Garlic Parsnips ...

Peel the parsnip and blemish the root for approx. 8 pieces. Tomato cut both and brown schnitzler off. Put it all on baking paper together with thyme and a totally overgrown garlic (all fat). Bake paper is folded to a bag, baked in 180 ° oven for 15 minutes.

Mains Lemon juice Parmesan cheese Shallots ...

Brush off the broth, sprinkle with salt, pepper, chopped parsley, garlic and lemon and baking at 160 degrees for one hour. Risotto: Season the onions, add Risotto rice and white wine as well as water and salt. Add the rice to tender and add a little cream and

Lunch Curry Arugula Salad Flûtes ...

The flute is split, feta and rucola salad marinated in a little olive oil. Tomatoes are cut into slices and the strips are seasoned with curry, salt and pepper and cooked for a short while.

Mains Olive oil Tomato puree Squash ...

Peel eggplant / squash, cut into the tern and grate in olive oil. Add tomato, puree, pepper and garlic. Season with salt and pepper and simmer for 15 minutes. Cook asparagus potatoes, pil them and shake them off in a little butter and then sprinkle with nut

Mains Chopped tomatoes in tins White balsamic vinegar or white wine vinegar Eggs ...

Stir the meat with salt and pepper. Add flour and egg and add slowly water or cold broth. Finally add finely chopped herbs. The fathers are filled in half-hollowed tomatoes, which are then cooked in an oven at 180 degrees for 15-25 minutes. Depending on size.