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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

The medallions are spiced with oregano. Garlic cloves are peeled and chopped well. The stuffed olives are halved across. The tomatoes are peeled and halved. Leave the oil and 2 tablespoons. Butter become hot on a frying pan and raise medallions approx. 3 mi

Mains Juice of ½ lemon Salt Dried Sage or 1 tablespoon. fresh chopped Sage leaves ...

Onion and garlic are peeled and chopped well. Peel peppers, grains and ribs are removed, and the peppers are cut into thin strips. Season the mushrooms, cut into thin slices and drizzle with lemon juice. The tomatoes are poured with boiling water, flattened an

Mains Pepper Salt Grape seed oil ...

Mackerel and onion peeled and cut into blocks. The top of the whole garlic is cut off, but the dry mustache is on. The lemons cut into thick slices. The vegetables are seasoned with salt and pepper before the brune with the lamb shake in a large pan or steamer

Soups Daggammelt flutes Pepper Salt ...

Garlic peeled and chopped well. Tomatoes are scalded and flaked. Cut into cubes. The white part of the porridge is cut into slices. Parsley chopped roughly. Red pepper is cut into smaller cubes. The garlic are switched to the oil without taking color. Pears, r

Soups Lemon juice, approximately 1/2 dl Fresh coriander Fresh springløgtoppe ...

Cut ginger in slices. Cut the lemongrass stalks into 2-3 cm long pieces. Tear the oyster caps into smaller pieces. Divide the chicken into 8 pieces. Cut the meat off the legs and cut it into smaller pieces. Pour coconut milk and water into a pan. Boil and add

Salads Salt Onion Garlic ...

Mix oil, lemon, crushed garlic and salt. Cut the full-bodied tomatoes into thick slices and loose in the rings. Leaves together with the dressing

Sides Pepper Salt Chopped Mint ...

2 dl. Coarse bulgur is poured over 4 dl. Boiling vegetable broth and pulling approx. 15 minutes after which the bulgus is cooled. Stir in it a couple of times along the way. Cut the top of 8 large tomatoes, hollow them and drop them on a grate. Mix 4 tbsp.

Mains Greek barbecue spice Pepper Salt ...

The avocado is flaked, the meat is taken out of the shell and mashed with lemon juice, horseradish and salt. The hamburgers are roasted a few minutes on each side. A spoonful of avocadomos are laid on each schnitzel. Baked potatoes: The potatoes are peeled