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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Divide the spring bulbs into 4 pieces and cut the bell pepper into pieces of 1 cm. Spice the chops well on both sides and brown them in ole and butter. Put them in an ovenproof dish and brown the rice well in the same fat. Sprinkle some salt on. When they are

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Arrow the bulbs and cut them into small terns. Season the onions in a pot in half of the butter. Pour the wine and let it boil without lid until the wine is evaporated. Add mustard and milk and let it boil again. Cut the tomatoes in half, press them free of ke

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

The chops are brown on a dry forehead. Put in a fireproof dish and season with salt and pepper. The tomatoes are cut in half, sprinkle with salt and put next to the cutlets. Toast the bread and stir with margarine, egg yolk, chopped parsley, crushed garl

Mains Salt Butter Sugar ...

Bank the cutlets easily. Whip the marinade together pour it over the chops. Turn it occasionally and leave it cold and cover 3-4 hours. Brown the butter on the forehead and chop the chops in 4-5 min. on every side. They must be thorough, but not dry. Take t

Mains Lovage Marjoram Breadcrumbs ...

The meat is dipped in coiled egg and turned into a mixture of freshly chopped herbs and rasp. The chops are roasted in half of the butter. The tomatoes are halved and roasted in the rest of the butter. The chops are arranged together with the fried tomatoes

Mains Chervil Pepper Salt ...

The chops are cut into the side where the sword sits and is filled with apricots, almonds and carrots, which are chopped well. Then brown the chops in oil on a hot forehead and come in a flame dish. It is placed in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for approx. 1

Mains Lettuce leaves Broth Cream 13% (or whipping cream) ...

Pork chops Brown the chops 1/2 minute on each side with good heat. Muffle the heat and finish with mild to even heat approx. 4 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt. Slice chili peppers along and remove the kernels, pil the onions and peel the ginger. C

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

The day before: The marinade is mixed and placed in the freezer bag with the cutlets. Set in the refrigerator for the following day. On the day: Chop the dishes on a dry pan and season with salt. Step about 6-8 minutes on each side at low heat. The tomat