Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Gingerbread and bacon cut into cubes, broccoli split into pieces, cut the cucumber into small thin spells, cut the peppers into thin strips, cut the tomatoes in both and the radishes in thin slices. The machine vames up until it is very hot, add oil. The brocc

Salads Pepper 1/2 juice of lemon Salt ...

The rabbit is boiled in salted water, add a little basil. Cut the vegetables into small pieces and mix them in a salad bowl with the uncluttered rabbit. Mix the dressing and pour it over the salad.

Mains French bread A little flour Pepper ...

The rabbit is made and divided into small pieces, shaken in a saucepan, in a pan with onion and mustard onion, sprinkle flour and let it brown for a moment. Sprinkle with white wine and water add the flaked tomato, salt, pepper and the small boil softly under

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Mix sesame seeds, parsley, crushed garlic, lemon juice and cayenne pepper in a small bowl. Carefully cut a long, deep pocket on one side of the calcareous zippers. Bring the sesame mixture into each pocket and sprinkle salt and pepper. Mix all the sesame seeds

Appetizers A little salt Pepper Salt ...

Chicken breast rubs with curry, sesame seeds and salt. Butter melt and chopped brune with mild heat for 3 minutes on each side. Mango peeled and fry cut into nice slices. Tomatoes are halved and hollowed out. Half the tomatoes sprinkle with salt and pepper

Appetizers Pepper Salt Bouillon powder ...

Husblas soaked in cold water for 10 minutes. Add wine, water and vinegar to boil, broth, salt and sugar. The wool is clamped by the house blister which is then dissolved in the hot soup. The soup is allowed to cool. Turkey breast cut into slices. The eggs are

Mains Marjoram Oregano Thyme ...

The meat is turned into flour and brune in hot oil, then the vegetables are switched. Mix it all together with the spices, add red wine and simmer approx. 30 min., Cream fraiche reversed. Put the rice in the oil until it is shiny, add the finely chopped oni

Mains Dijon mustard Ginger, freshly grated Red wine vinegar ...

Put 2-3 thin slices of smoked turkey breast half above each other and roll the meat the same. Form the meat as a rose head by loosening the outermost slices. Stir oil together with vinegar, ginger, mustard, salt pepper, and finely chopped mustard onion. Cut th