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Recipes with Peeled tomatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Chop sliced ​​and squeeze 1 clove of garlic. Mix all the ingredients to the father and let it pull for at least 1/2 hour. Chop the sun-dried tomatoes and 2-fried bacon. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, add the remaining ingredients to the tomato sauce. Let

Soups Salt Peeled tomatoes Carrot ...

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and boil for 10 minutes. Blend the soup with a spelled blender and cook the soup again. Eat any bread or cook some pasta.

Mains Oil for butter ring Chopped onion Shredded mozzarella cheese ...

Boil spaghetti for 10-12 minutes and pour water off. Put whipped eggs, oil and parmesan cheese. Spread the spaghetti mixture into the bottom of a pie. Butter the Creme Fraichen beyond. Boil hamburgryggen / ham on a frying pan, onion and green pepper unti

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

The chickpeas are soaked in cold water for approx. 12 hours. Blame the chickpeas and cook them in fresh lettuce water for approx. 15 min. Dip the chickpeas into a sieve. Heat the oil in a pan and sweat the lamb, Sucuken, onions and garlic. Add the tomatoes

Mains Marizena (meljævner) Pepper Salt ...

First sweat the onion golden in olive oil. The beef steak comes in and browns. Then add chopped garlic, peeled tomatoes, carrots, courgette, red perber, basil and organo, sun-dried tomatoes and water. Let the dish boil approx. 20 min and the sauce smoothed wit

Mains Basil (fresh or dried) Suit Corn flour sauce thickens ...

Season the beef in a large saucepan at high heat together with coarsely baked onions, garlic and spices. Add pepper fruit in large tern and mushrooms in quarters. After 2 minutes stirring, peeled tomatoes are added. Fill water into one of the cans and add to t

Lunch Peeled tomatoes Garlic Ketchup ...

Cook spagetthien. At the same time pour oil into a saucepan when sewing puts all the other ingredients in near spaghetti and meatballs and flourballs. When the tomato sauce is almost finished put meatballs and flourballs in and cook for about 5-10 minutes. W

Soups Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Clean the vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Sweat carrots and potatoes. Add broth, peppers, thyme, lentils and tomatoes with moisture. Let the soup boil 5 min. Add leek and pasta. Let the dish boil for 10 min. Season with salt and pepper.