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Recipes with Mushroom

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Turn the oven on at 175 degrees Around the diced turkey fillet, your bacon rolls. NB: It is important that the bacon is properly secured, as it should be firmly seated. After that you light a frying pan to blush and lighten your fillet until the bacon

Mains Mushroom Cream fine Peeled tomatoes ...

Saturday's chicken is placed in the oven for approx. 50 min. In the meantime pour peeled tomatoes, mushrooms, corn and cremefine into a bowl and season with salt and pepper. When the chicken has given them approx. 50 min until it is almost finished, take it

Soups Season with salt and pepper Barbeque spice Basil ...

All vegetables are cut. Season the meat with a little oil in a large pot and season with salt and pepper. Garlic and onions are added. The rest of the vegetables are added and switched for 5 minutes. The mixed peeled tomatoes are added as well as boiling wat

Mains Marizenamel Parsley Onion ...

Brown the cardels or cut them into strips and brown pieces and take them out of the pan. Bacon and onions cut into the tern and brune in the same pot, let it spin for a couple of minutes. Add the pepper / tomato paste and water and let it boil slowly for a cou

Mains Mushroom Cream Give into cubes ...

Cut all the vegetables Bake meat, mushrooms, onions, peppercorns on the forehead and put it in a pan of fried potatoes and pears in Pour cream and milk over Season with salty pepper aromatic And into the oven for an hour of 200 c

Mains Pepper Salt Small onions ...

Bring the flour into a bowl and crumble the butter. Gather the dough with cold water and milk. Pack it in foil and style it in the fridge for at least 2 hours. After the trip in the refrigerator, the dough is rolled out and a pie shaped The oven is switched o

Soups Pepper Salt Bacon ...

Chopped beef, chopped onions, bacon and cocktail sausages are browned in the hot oil. Tomato puree is added and "burned off" for 1 minute along with salt, pepper and dried basil and oregano. Add water and bullion cake and cook the soup at low heat for 15-20 mi

Mains Mushroom Kebabs Yellow pepper ...

Put spears in water so they do not burn on the grill. Cut fruits and fish into the tern and put them on the spoonful of shrimps. Pour oil and spices over and then put them on the grill until golden. Served with flutes, new potatoes and sauces (bearnaise, hol