Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mushroom

Mains Ben and hull from pheasants Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Marinade: Chop the mustots and mix with olive oil, white wine, wine grains and freshly ground peppers in a small dish that can even hold the pineapples. Turn the pineapples into marinade and spread them in the dish so they are covered with marinade, cool fo

Mains Cayenne Pepper (optional) Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken fillets into mundane pieces. Arrow peeled off whitewashed. Cut the groove roughly. Clean the mushrooms in large slices. Peel and chop the carrots into slices. Cut the celeriac into the tern and cut the peel off. Peel one of the apples and cut i

Soups Oil (to sear vegetables in) Pepper Salt ...

Sweat the onion in a saucepan. Then add the other vegetables and turn them short. Add the bowl, chopped tomatoes and tomato puree. Let the dish boil for 20 minutes. Cook the pasta in a saucepan separately. Season the vegetables and blend them. Add as many

Mains Butter for Browning Beef broth Mushroom ...

The meat is cut into the tern. Onions are cut into slices. Carrots cut into slices. Mushrooms are cut into slices. Brown onions and pick them up. Brown mushroom and pick them up. Brown meat and pour broth and tomato paste on. Let the meat simmer for 2 hours

Appetizers Pineapple Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Boil the chicken breasts, cool them and cut them into the tern. Clean the mushrooms in the tern. Stir them golden in a little oil on a hot forehead. Season with salt and pepper. Dip asparagus for moisture into a door layer. Stir cream fraiche with mayonnai

Mains Pizza/tomato sauce Cauliflower head Onion ...

The cauliflower is cut into coarse pieces and blended well. Pour it into an ovenproof dish and place it in the oven at 225c for 10-15 minutes. (Can also be cooked in microwave for 8 min) Wash and cut mushrooms, peppers and onions. Mix 40g of cheese with cau

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cubes in 1 dl. water ...

Tear the bell celery. Blinds mushrooms and nuts well. If necessary, chop about 1/3 of the nuts a little coarser. Mix the celery with mushrooms and nuts and add the chopped onions. Then mix the 3 eggs in. The broth and raspberries are now mixed in the pulp, t

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Peel the tenderloin off and cut it in about 3 cm slices on the slant. Brown the sirloin slices and season them with salt, pepper and peppers. Put them in an ovenproof dish. Bring the fried tomatoes in the dish, but save the wings. Clean the onions and cut t