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Recipes with Mushroom

Mains 2 stalks fresh rosemary 2 stems fresh thyme 5 dl. chicken broth ...

Clean the chicken for any. Ingots and remnants of feathers. Bring the chicken in a large saucepan. Peel the bulbs and cut them in the neighborhood, blame the bell peel and cut each stalk into 4 pieces, wash the carrots and cut them in large pieces. Bring the

Mains FAT to Browning Suit Pepper ...

Brown the chops on a forehead in a little fat. Put them in an ovenproof dish. Season with salt and pepper. Then brown the mushroom, bacon and onions on the forehead add oregano, broth and cream. Add the color and smooth the sauce with sauce jams. Season with s

Sauces A quarter of oksebouillion mixed with 1 dl water Madkulør Corn flour Brown thickens ...

Onions first and then and mushrooms are browned in oil or butter. Additionally, oxebouillion and water are added. Let it boil. White wine poured into boil. Whipped cream added and food balls. Finally, tends to achieve the thickness you want, salt and pep

Sides Pepper Grated cheese Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Peel potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Cut mushrooms into thin slices and onions in rings. In a refractory dish lay a layer of potatoes. Mushrooms and onions are spread evenly over the layer and salt and pepper sprinkl

Mains Cream White wine Pepper ...

The lid is cut well. The mushrooms are cleaned and divided once or twice depending on the size. Onions and mushrooms are prepared in a good bite of butter. Meanwhile, cut the cleaned liver into strips that are placed on the forehead and brune with onions and

Mains Flutes Pepper Salt ...

Onions are cooked in the magarine until they are ready Add the chopped meat until it has split add curry salt, pepper and let it sweat a little. Add coarse chopped mushrooms and peppers cut into small tern and rasp, pour the mixture into a greased refractory

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Butter toasted bread slices ...

The blue mussels are cleaned / thoroughly scrubbed under running water (must close), placed in a large pot m. 2 liters of boiling water and poured into drained sieve after opening (water is stored). The lid is finely chopped and switched transparently. Cut t

Mains "baked potatoes or French fries and butter dampde green beans and a little watercress A couple of tablespoons. Cognac Mushroom ...

The meat is trimmed and cut into thick slices set to the top and pressed flat with the palm of the hand so that they are approx. 2½ cm. thick. The pepper is stabbed in a mortar (or crushed with a baking roll). There must be 1/4 and 1/2 pepper corn between.