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Recipes with Mushroom

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Pears cut into thin slices, mushroom in quarts and peppers and onions in rough slices. The thinned spinach is pressed for moisture and chopped roughly. The feta is chopped / cut into small terns. Chop pieces (or fillets) cut into pieces of 2x2 cm and lightly

Mains Chili Olive oil for frying (used only if used very very meat) Paprika ...

Brown meat, onions and mushrooms smmen with spices and crushed garlic. Add the peppers and brown them a little, then add the peeled tomatoes and simmer for a moment. Then add water and broth and let it boil. When boiling, peas and corn come in, and the dishes

Mains Spices (your choice, however, I would recommend allround) Food colour Pepper (as you yourself seemed) ...

First, take the 4 chops and cut them into the tern and fry them in a pan with salt, pepper and spices. When cooked fried, you put water to the 4 bags of rice (and comes in when the water boils). Back to the sauce, the chopsticks are now fried, and you'll get

Mains Margarine Paprika Pepper ...

Beat the beef strips and onions in the margarine. Pour water so it just covers the meat, and simmer for an hour. Mushroom and cut them out in half. Rose the bacon crispy. When the meat has got an hour, pour the bacon greasy from the pan over to the meat and

Soups Pepper Salt Cream ...

Clean the mushroom and cut them into thin slices. Clean the pores, rinse them thoroughly and cut them into fine slices. Clean the pears and cut them into small terns. Heat a slice-light pan and turn the mushrooms in it. They must not take color. Add leeks a

Mains Chinese soy sauce Paprika Pepper ...

Sprinkle the sirloin off for obstacles and tendons and cut it into slices. Brush them quickly in butter, sprinkle with salt. Pepper and pepper and put them in a saucepan. Brown also cleaned mushrooms and shredded peppers and put them in the pan. Boil the

Mains 1 boullionterning Flour for jævning Pepper ...

The bristle is plastered and cut into large cubes. Mushrooms are cleaned in water and cut in half or quarter - depending on size. Bacon is roasted and taken out of the pan. Use a large pot. Then brush mushrooms in the pot and reclaim. Load onion and pepper

Mains Chopped parsley and sour cream Nutmeg Pepper ...

Preheat the chicken with water, boullion dice, porridge, a carrot, half a onion and a fat garlic. Bring salt and pepper. If you cook for a little hour, the other ingredients can be made ready by cutting them. Onion sliced, garlic chopped finely and mushroom