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Recipes with Mushroom

Mains Pepper Salt Minced or peeled tomatoes ...

Meat: Make sure to drain the meat well, otherwise the dough will be water and can not hold together. Place the meat in a bowl, blend tomato, onion and garlic and add the meat. Salt and pepper and flour until it is firm. Shaped into a baked bread and the baco

Lunch All around spices Mushroom Corn ...

Cook the pasta screws Cut the bulbs in the tern, turn them into a pan with mushrooms and bacon (you like bacon then use 2 packs) and then put the beef in and brown it together and season with all around, I spend half a glass but otherwise To your liking. When

Mains Mushroom Bacon, diced Grated cheese ...

Cut the potatoes into slices (peeled) into the bottom of an ovenproof dish, grind the terns and pour the potatoes together with bacon and mushrooms and sprinkle salt and pepper or all around spices. If you like corn you can put it in. Finally pour the cream an

Mains Flute Pepper Curry ...

Curry down the fat and season finely chopped onion until ready. Add the meat and stir until it has split up and resemble a million steak. Add vegetables, mushrooms in slices, pepper fruit in tern, rasp, salt and pepper. Mix it all well. Pour the mixture int

Mains Basil Dijon mustard Grøntsagsbunden after frying ...

The meat: Pour off and mix the marinade, put the meat in and draw 12-24 hours in the refrigerator. Vegetable bottom: Cut the tomatoes into the tomatoes and cook them tips: Marinate the meat: Pudding to the seasons and mixing marinade, fling the meat and

Mains EVS. a little broth Kraftben Oil ...

Cut a few slices into the outer edges of the meat, so it does not bend during the frying. Season with salt and pepper. Peel carrots, parsley and mushrooms. Cut carrots and chives in slices. Put mushrooms in quarters or half depending on the size. Cut garlic in

Lunch Mushroom Chili Green or black olives ...

Tomato sauce: Mix tomato paste, olive oil and spice together in a small bowl. pizza: Sprinkle the pita bread so you have four "pizza buns". Chop onions, mushrooms and olives. Grease tomato sauce in addition to the inside of the bread. Distribute

Mains Corn flour Water Bouillon cube ...

Turkey bacon and mushrooms are switched and taken out of the pot. The hammer is switched into the pan. Bacon, mushroom, blended canned tomato, water, fromage frais and brothel added. Stands and cooks for approx. ½ hour. While making rice, like whole gr