Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced parsley

Mains Salt Eggs Egg yolk ...

Peel, boil and mash the potatoes carefully. Cool the bog. Mix Turkey meat with potatoes, salt, pepper, egg, egg white and milk. Add the grated onion and parsley. Bring the broth to a boil in a flat pan. Form forcemeat for the buns with a dessert or great teske

Mains EVS. jævning FAT to Browning Marjoram ...

Crack Turkey Breast almost through-it must stick together in one page. Mix the stuffing and the benefit it on Turkey Breast. Season with salt and pepper. Fold together and bind around with cotton yarn. Rub the Turkey with salt, pepper and Marjoram brysten a

Mains White pepper Pepper Juice of ½ lemon ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices, chop the onions fine skalotte. Add onion and mushrooms in the bottom of a greased ovenproof dish. Søtungefiletterne sprinkle with salt and pepper. Folded and placed on top of the onions and mushrooms. Pour th

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Olive oil Grated nutmeg ...

Trim the artichokes and remove the ' Hay ' inside with a spoon. Boil them in plenty of salt water with lemon and a bit of corn flour or potato flour district in a dozen minutes. Drain them and turn the cold water over. Let them drain in the bottom of the weath

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Koteletterne sprinkled with salt and pepper and Brown on both sides in oil and butter in a frying pan. Koteletterne taken up and placed in a heat-proof platter. All the ingredients for the gratineringen stirred together and spread over koteletterne. Kotelet

Mains Salt Oregano Paprika ...

Heat the oven to 300 degrees. Arrow the prawns with the exception of the tail shell. Clean and rinse them well and put them in a large skillet greased with it most of the olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and paprika and style shrimp in the oven. After seven mi

Mains Salt The shell of a salted lemon or 1 small lemon cut into thin slices Chopped onion ...

Put the chicken pieces in a bowl along with the spices and let them marinate in it at least 1 hour. Heat oil in a pan and Brown the chicken pieces in it. Pull them off the Pan and fry the onion and garlic in the oil. Came the chicken back into the Pan, a

Appetizers White pepper 1/2 juice of lemon Salt ...

Cod roe moses with a fork and mix with lemon juice and sour cream. Then cut the olives into cubes and mix them in the Marsh along with the chopped parsley. Garlic fattened finhakkes or pressed and added to the mixture. Season with white pepper and possibly. sl